Prompt 9

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Prompt 9

Dr. Teeth gets locked out of their house while their family is gone, so they spend the night at Ben's place.

It was late at night and Dr. Teeth was taking a stroll. It was his nightly routine to go out into the town and just walk. Tonight felt a little stranger though like something was off. He had shrugged it off until he was at the Electric Mayhem's house and realized he forgot one thing: his keys. The one time the rest of the band goes to stay at the Solid Foam's place, he forgets his house keys. The only clothes he had on was a shirt, a jacket, pants, his signature hat, and shoes. On the plus side, he has the keys to the van.

He wouldn't mind if I stayed there until the others get back, he thought. After some quick thinking, he hops into the vehicle and drives to the other side of town, parking in the parking lot of an apartment complex. He walks inside and stands one of the doors, knocking a few times. Some fumbling is heard through the other side and the door swings open to reveal a tired technician.


"Surprise, surprise, Ben!" Dr. Teeth exclaims. Our technician friend rubs his eyes behind his sunglasses and yawns.

"Teeth, it's 10:29 pm. Shouldn't you be at home?" he asks, letting the keyboardist inside his apartment. Dr. Teeth walks in and sits down on a nearby stool.

"I should if I hadn't left my keys inside the house. I was hoping you would let me sleep here for the time being". Ben closes the door tiredly and looks at the doctor. It was clear Dr. Teeth had caught him at a bad time, but Ben complied with the doctor's offer.

"Sure, why not?" he sighs out before retreating to his room. Dr. Teeth takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack, repeating with his shoes and leaving them at the door. Curiosity finally got to him as he stares at Ben's bedroom door. He walks over and looks inside. Ben was sitting on his bed rewiring an ultraviolet light with a screwdriver at his side. His sunglasses sat on the nightstand next to him, showing his tired heterochromatic eyes. The man seemed to be working on the light for a while. Dr. Teeth pushes the door slightly and takes a step inside.

"Ben. I don't mean to be weird, but have you gotten any sleep?" he asks. Ben looks up and yawns once again. Bags could be seen more clearly under his eyes. Dr. Teeth eventually walks over to Ben and moves the light and screwdriver to a corner on the floor.

"Teeth, what are you doing? I have to get that done," protests Ben, trying to retrieve the two items.

"You need sleep, Ben. You're getting sleep whether you like it or not," Dr. Teeth says before gently pushing Ben down to his bed. Almost instantly, Ben drifts to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. Dr. Teeth tucks him in and turns off the light, leaving Ben to get a good night's sleep.


Morning comes quickly and Dr. Teeth wakes up first. He fixes himself a cup of coffee with whatever was available in the small apartment. Ben was still sleeping in his room, wrapped up in the sheets on the bed. Nobody should be working themselves to the bone.

"Ben is really stressed," Dr. Teeth comments to himself, looking at the various blueprints scattered on the coffee table and on the floor. Suddenly, a phone rings under the mess of papers, and the keyboardist shuffles through the mess to find it.


"Hey, Ben, I- wait, you are not Ben. WHO ARE YOU, STRANGER?" Crazy Harry's voice yells through the speaker. He could be heard five feet away from the phone itself.

"Harry, it's Dr. Teeth".

"Oh, hi, Doctor. What are you doing with Ben's cell?"

"He's currently on the train of slumber, so I decided to pick up the unexpectable call for him". Crazy Harry becomes silent for a few moments before answering with a confused "What?"

"He's asleep, so I picked up for him".

"Oh! Well, tell him to call me later. I got this new effect to show him! Later, Doctor". Crazy Harry hangs up in a hurry, leaving a long beep behind. Dr. Teeth turns the phone off and places it on the table again.

Minutes pass when Ben wakes up and trudges out of his room. Dr. Teeth was trying to sort out the mess of blueprints, so far making three piles.

"Teeth? Wow, you didn't need to do this. I was going to do it later," Ben says, sitting next to him.

"Now Ben, think of this as helping you out. Since you let me stay here, I figured I should do something for you in return". Ben hums in acknowledgment and grabs his phone.

"Harry called, didn't he?"


"New effect?"

"That's what he said".


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