8 - Time Bomb

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You grunted, your frail little seven year old arms pushing your fists to make contact with the punching bag. It barely even budged at your weak attempts, causing you to get more frustrated. You continued pounding your fists against the leather when a loud smash echoed into the room.

You turned your head towards the door, "Mum? Dad?" You were scared to get caught out of bed past your bedtime but you just had to practice more. You tiptoed out of the gym, in the direction of a thumping that was now coming from the living room. "Mum?" You poked your head round the corner, the sight that met your eyes made your face pale.

There were your parents, bloodied and bludgeoned. Your father trying to claw his way to your mother who was hacking up blood on the floor. There was a gang of tall figures that were laughing and jeering as one kicked your father back down.

"Danny, Mike, finish the job." A deep voice commanded and two of the men began stalking towards your parents but you ran out in front of them, deploying your wings to shield them.

"Stay away" you let out a weak plea, tears threatening to spill. Your protest was only met with a large hand hitting you back and out of their way.

'Only the weak cry!' And as you rolled across the floor, you suddenly remembered your parents and how they treated you. All the pain they made you feel, all the hate you directed towards yourself gradually became directed towards them. So you just laid there and watched your parents' murder, heard your mother scream in agony, felt their pain.

After the light left their eyes you felt nothing as if your soul left with them. This numbness quickly left though as you looked at the two men who's hands were covered in blood. All you could see was red as you shrieked and ran towards them. Your wings pierced right through their chests, they didn't even have anytime to react.


You shot up, panting and covered in a cold sweat. You roughly ran your hands through your hair. "It's over, it's over, you're not there anymore." You whispered trying to console yourself. It was lining up to be yet another sleepless night.

It was a few days until the sports festival and the entire class was gearing up to win. You didn't really care about it but you really hated losing, especially to a bunch of hero wannabes. They were really starting to get on your nerves, with their happy go lucky attitudes and general rowdiness.

You've done the same thing everyday and it was getting old; you go to class, you sit with Todoroki and the others at lunch and avoid eye contact and then you go home. Sooner or later you were going to snap, 'Man, hanging around Dabi really gave me my temper back.'


It was fourth period before lunch and everyone was running laps, Iida was far ahead of everyone and you were somewhere towards the front of the group. You were minding your own business when a yell sounded on your right. "OUT OF THE WAY (L:N)!!"

Bakugo Katsuki. Out of the entire class, you hated him the most with his arrogant and explosive personality. Always snapping at everyone with no respect and that was coming from you. You had told him multiple times to call you (Y:N) but he never listened, calling you (L:N) instead, and judging by the way he seemingly didn't know anyone else's names and called them insulting nicknames, he only did it to annoy you.

As he passed you, he added a quick shove for good measure which made you grit your teeth and pick up the pace. "I told you that I don't like being called that!" You didn't quite shout but that was definitely the loudest the class has heard you speak.

"And I told you that I don't give a shit!" At this you let out a mix of a groan and a scream, he just always managed to tick you off, royally. You were already a ticking time bomb around heroes and that boy is going to be the one to set you off, you were sure of it.

You were right.

You had just come out of the changing room tired and disgruntled, ready to get some food in you when a large shoulder bumped into you. "You're in my way again, (L:N)." If you had to repeat yourself after this last time you were going to scream.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me (Y:N) before you get it through that thick skull of yours?!" Okay so you may have stepped up in his face with that question. Although in your defence, you were basically on autopilot because of how deprived of sleep you were. You didn't care if you were causing a scene in the crowded hallway.

"You're calling me thick when you're the one who's always behind in class?! You're the dumbass!!!" He certainly didn't back down, in fact he stepped closer. Your faces were now only about two inches apart, he thought you looked like an angry little chihuahua.

Surprisingly, your attempt to look intimidating wasn't nearly as pathetic as he thought it would be. Had it been anyone else they would've been shaking in their boots despite the height difference.

"Call me dumb one more time!!" At this point you were blinded with rage, your breathing was ragged and your brows were practically touching.

"Or what (L:N)? You dumb bi-!" His sneer was quickly wiped off his face when you grabbed his collar with both hands and slammed him against the lockers. He wasn't expecting you to escalate the argument physically. He was about to push you off when a voice boomed down the hallway.

"(Y:N)! With me."

Aizawa. Your hands tightened their grip on the blond's collar as you continued to bore holes into his eyes. Your scowl deepening by the second. "Now!" With Aizawa's final shout you thrusted Bakugo back against the lockers again before releasing him. The tension didn't leave your hands and fingers as you lowered your hands.

"For the last time, it's (Y:N)." You spoke in a low threatening tone and glowered at him before turning. You stomped swiftly away and followed Aizawa to the teachers' office.

"What a woman." Mineta dreamily sighed staring at your ass as you disappeared round the corner. Though he'd never admit it, Bakugo agreed with him but instead of saying that out loud he just elbowed the shorter aside before sauntering off.


"Care to explain?" You could tell he was mad. If looks could kill then you would have been decomposing already.

"He got on my nerves." You stated that as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Your tone held no signs of remorse as you felt none. In fact, you were just upset that you didn't get to throw him around more.

"I don't care if he got on your nerves, you are not to be aggressive towards other students." His words dripped with authority and though he left no room for arguments, you argued anyway.

"He was aggressive to me first!" You pointed pugnaciously at the door itching to go find the boy and rip him a new one. However, your protest was met with hand crashing down on the table. He was furious that you'd violate your no fighting rule so soon.

He regretted his actions though when he saw you flinch and for the first time since he met you, he watched fear flash through your eyes. His face softened as he sighed and sat down in front of you. "Listen. I get that this whole situation is stressful for you but, holding onto your grudge against heroes is just going to make this harder."

You frowned at his words, "It's not that easy. Heroes are selfish, power hungry cretins. They only care about themselves and seek only money and fame." How could you ever trust a hero? All your interactions with them have reinforced your idea of them.

"They're not, maybe if you actually look around at your classmates you'll realise that. Your parents were just a pair of bad apples, that's all." You shook your head, steeled your gaze and met his eyes.

"Yeah well some jobs can't have bad apples." With that you got up and left to clear your head.

A/n ~ cough cough I'm looking at you cops

Save My Soul : Bakugou x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora