25 - Matching Shoes

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"(Y:N), come here." You were planning to just go to your room like usual but the sound of Aizawa calling you made you halt and head towards him. You sat down on the sofa in front of him and stared up patiently at the rugged man.

"Since it's the end of the first term, you're now going to be trusted by yourself." You smiled at that, something you missed very much about your time with Dabi was the freedom to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. "Not only will you now be allowed to go into public with my permission but I've decided to get you this since I've heard you complain about not being able to listen to music."

He dug into his pocket for a second before pulling out a shiny new mobile phone. A grin spread across your face as he handed the item to you, it was true you felt like you were dying from the distinct and sudden lack of music in your life. "Thank you!" You turned it on and it began the setting up process, you looked up at Aizawa with shining eyes before you felt the weight of his right hand on the top of your head.

"I'll have to check it routinely, obviously, and you must have your location shared with me at all times but apart from that, it's yours to do what you want with it. Just no contacting any criminals and/or villains." He gave you a soft smile and ruffled your hair before giving your head a light shove and retracting his hand. "Now go on, get lost."

You thanked him again before rushing to your room to continue setting up the device. On your desk was the box it came in that contained the charger and earphones. You collapsed onto your back on your bed and entered your details into the phone. First up, finding suitable home and lock screens, you loved to have an organised and aesthetic phone. You searched up the term, finding some pretty lock screens but decided on two angel/cherub themed ones. You downloaded all the apps you needed and signed into your old Spotify app, 'hehe time to leech off of Dabi's bank account.' Dabi paid for your's and his Spotify accounts which was something he held over your head constantly but he would never cancel your subscription.


"So where to, trainers gang?" You were currently at the shopping centre with your class and had split into groups. You were in a group of three with Kaminari and Tokoyami, you found Kaminari entertaining to hang around with and you and Tokoyami had built a bond of mutual respect at your internships. Kaminari slung an arm around your shoulders and pointed off into the distance.

"To the sports shop!" Tokoyami nodded at the blond's words and you all started on your trek to the first floor. While you and Tokoyami were fine with walking in comfortable silence, Kaminari was definitely not that type of person.

"Do you think they'll have trainers with lightening bolts on them? Man it would be so cool if they did! What type of trainers do you want (Y:N)?" He kept his arm secured around you as you all walked and chatted right into your ear. You had never had someone be so close to you like this while you walked but it wasn't horrible.

"I don't know dude, probably black ones in case they get dirty. Plus, all the clothes I own are black so I guess that'll match." Your answer was practical. It wasn't as if black was the only colour that you wanted to wear, it's just that it drew the least attention. If you had a normal childhood, you'd probably have quite a colourful and stylish wardrobe but you hadn't, so yours was filled with oversized black hoodies and trousers. You also only owned trousers but you so desperately wanted skirts and dresses, you had never got to wear them except to special events as a child. You remembered how pretty you had felt in those moments, you always used to sway back and forth to feel the swish of the fabric against your legs.

"What? That's so boring! You should get like red! Or a neon colour!" He drew in a loud gasp as an idea hit him. "Or we could all get match ones! That would be so awesome." He stared dazedly into the distance imagining how sick you guys would look with matching trainers.

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