When Partners Collide Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Law and Order SVU and its characters are owned by Dick Wolf and Wolf Entertainment.

When Partners Collide

Chapter 1

Captain Olivia Benson signaled to Sergeant Fin Tutuola, they paused at the corner of the abandoned Red Hook grain factory in Brooklyn. The Loujaine, a former cement and dry cargo ship, loomed in the background. They both had their Glocks raised. The damp smell of the building brought back memories for Olivia of the last time she was at Red Hook, along with other memories - the smell of burning metal and gun powder, the memories of William Lewis the sadist who kidnapped her laying in front of her dead, the feeling of his blood running down her face. She jumped as Fin touched her arm gently bringing her back to her senses. Taking three deep breaths Benson nods and signals to move. As they rounded the corner, they both freeze with their Glocks still raised.

In front of them stood two men also with their Glocks raised pointing straight at them. But it was not the gun that Olivia was focused on, it was the man nearest her. He was 6ft with short greying hair that was receding and piercing blue eyes that she could never forget, even though she had not seen them in 11 years - it was her old partner and best friend Elliot Stabler. A voice suddenly brought her back to reality.


Olivia looked around to see more people appear, all wearing navy windbreakers with ATF in gold letters. Then she looked back at the two men in front of her, both were returning their guns to their holsters. Olivia slowly did the same not taking her eyes off of Elliott. "Liv" he said, looking as shocked as she was. At that moment Olivia felt rage course through every vein in her body and eleven years' worth of anger, hurt and betrayal came to the surface as she launched herself at Elliot landing a right hook in his eye socket. Without saying anything Olivia walked away, still in shock and shaking with adrenaline.

Elliot signaled to his partner to do nothing and at the same time Fin turned to Elliot

"You deserved that."

Elliot tenderly prodded his fast-swelling eye

"Yeah I know"

Three Days earlier

"Noah, have you got your dance gear?" Olivia called as she ran around the apartment picking up the files she was reading before bed last night.

"Yes Mom" came a voice from the bedroom,

"How about your sports kit?" Olivia asked while zipping up her black heeled boots.

"Already in my locker mom" Noah answered, his voice growing louder. "Can we go now?" he asked standing at Olivia's bedroom door "I don't want to be late!"

"Sorry sweetie" Olivia said. She grabbed her blazer and purse, while Noah carried his backpack as they headed out of the door.

They pulled up in their black SUV at a modern brick building with yellow windows, Noah opened the door and jumped out "'Bye mom"

"Noah" Olivia called after her son, he turned and returned to the passenger side door. "Don't forget Lucy's picking you up to take you to dance and will stay with you till I get home tonight."

Noah rolled his eyes "I know mom, it's been the same routine every day for as long as I can remember. Now can I go?"

Olivia smiled and nodded; Noah smiled back turned to run off towards his friends.

Olivia watched him as he headed into school laughing and chatting with a group of boys he met at the entrance. She was just about to close the window when a voice called out.

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