When Partners Collide Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: Law and Order SVU and its characters are owned by Dick Wolf and Wolf Entertainment.

When Partners Collide

Chapter 2

Olivia sat in the passenger seat of the Sudan with Fin driving, traffic was building so they had their lights and sirens blaring. Behind them in another Sudan were Amanda and Kat. Olivia looked at the wing mirror and could see the difference in the two officers' faces - Amanda, who was driving, was concentrating matching Fin move for move as they weaved in and out of the New York City traffic. Kat's face showed a mixture of apprehension, uncertainty and excitement as the adrenalin was beginning to pump through her body.

Fin suddenly hit a bump in the road and Olivia was jolted back to the last time she was travelling to Red Hook Granary. In the back seat of a town car she had 'acquired', her hands cuffed behind her back to the door handle, and William Lewis - the only criminal she had ever truly feared - was driving and deliberately hitting every hole and dip in the road, knowing with her hands cuffed, every jarring motion the car made would hurt.

"Liv, Liv, are you with me?" Fin asked as Olivia jumped in her seat, unconsciously rubbing her wrists. "Sorry" Olivia replied bringing herself back to reality.

"Red Hook's coming up, there are two entrances, which one do you want - Clinton into Halleck or straight off Columbia?" Fin asked. Olivia was now completely focused on the task at hand. "Let's go Halleck Street and get back-up to hold on Columbia Street if needed." As she said this Olivia had picked up the radio to let Amanda, Kat and the following uniform back-up know the plan.

As they pulled into a clearing that was surrounded by rocks piled high, Olivia looked up at the sky and could see that it would soon be dusk. She got out the car and put on her bullet proof vest and NYPD wind breaker, Fin, Amanda and Kat did the same. Olivia instructed Amanda and Kat to go around the back of the granary while she and Fin went around the front.

"Whatever you do don't enter the granary unless you have cause to. We don't know exactly what we're looking for. If the grounds are clear then we'll send in the back-up and search the building quickly before nightfall, understood?"

Everyone nodded and headed off in their different directions, their Glocks raised.

Amanda and Kat headed towards the back of the Granary, with the water in front of them they went down a path between a derelict out building and the granary. They saw some truck tires laying up against the wall, as they went past them Kat looked to the left and, hidden from plain sight, saw three black SUVs. Kat signaled to Amanda who radioed to Olivia and Fin. "We may have company, and from the looks of the cars it could one of the alphabets."

Olivia and Fin travelled down the left side of the granary with the water and gas works opposite. As they were pausing to check an abandoned entrance Amanda's voice came through on the radio. They glanced at each other acknowledging that each one had heard the message and Olivia quietly radioed back to Amanda that they understood.

Amanda and Kat rounded the corner at the back of the granary where they found the owners of the black SUVs. There were two men, both in their late forties, wearing jeans, combat boots, navy polo shirts and baseball caps. Both had windbreakers on. Hearing a noise behind them, both men suddenly span around, whipping out their guns and aiming directly at Amanda and Kat.

"NYPD" Amanda called spotting the letters 'ATF' (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) on their jackets, she signaled to Kat and both lowered their weapons. The two ATF officers did the same.

"What on earth is NYPD doing here?" asked one of the ATF officers whilst holstering his weapon.

"We had a tip off that we should check out the granary tonight, 7pm" Kat stated.

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