When Partners Collide Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Law and Order SVU and its characters are owned by Dick Wolf and Wolf Entertainment.

Chapter 4

Where are we people Olivia asked as she addressed her squad. "Oki and I have arranged to meet Leroy Paul at the Golden Lion at 4pm this afternoon. I have already arranged an undercover surveillance vehicle to be in the vicinity under the pretense of gas works. Some ATF agents are already there setting everything up. Carisi going to come and make sure we have enough evidence to make something stick." Fin said.

Olivia felt slightly guilty as she realized that her late arrival this morning though it helped Elliott meant Fin needed to have arranged everything himself. As if reading her mind "Don't worry about its Liv, I knew you had something important to do, now excuse me I need to get changed." Fin said, while leaving the squad room and heading for the changing rooms.

Fin and Oki entered the restaurant and looked around. Fin was dressed in a Faux Tiger Skin coat, over a black suit accessorized with a black trilby hat, large chain and sunglasses. He carried with him a cane with a silver Lion head. Oki was dressed in a long black leather jacket and sunglasses.

Outside in the van Olivia, Elliott and Carisi sat watching on the screen with Amanda and Kat in an unmarked sedan around the corner. "It's good to see Fin still enjoys a bit of fancy-dress" Elliott remarked, smiling at what Fin was wearing. "Some things don't change" Olivia said next to him "The scary thing is he actually owns these clothes" she added. They suddenly went quiet when Leroy Paul entered the restaurant, accompanied by two men, and walked over to the table that Fin was sitting at. Oki got up and stood in front of Fin, opening his jacket to reveal his gun. The two men who had accompanied Leroy, also flashed their guns. Fin waved Oki away and Leroy ordered his men to stay back while he sat down opposite Fin who signaled to a bar man to bring over a drink.

"How did you find me?" Leroy asked Fin. "You were recommended to me by a friend, if you get my drift." Fin responded. "Which friend?" Leroy asked. "Let's just say that he's a fan of the trilby hat." Fin said while tipping his hat. "Now do you think you can help me?" Fin continued. "Depends we only deal with big orders" Leroy boasted. "That's good because I only place big orders - now let's do business." Fin shot back. Leroy took Fin and Oki around the back of the warehouse where an Iveco short wheelbase lorry was. Leroy opened it and Fin and Oki saw that the lorry was full of weapons. "How much do you want?" Leroy asked, "How much for half your load?" Fin responded. "Half a mill" Leroy responded. Fin scoffed "You are kidding me? I'll give you 250". After some haggling, they settled on $350,000. As they shook on the deal, the back of the warehouse was surrounded by ATF agents each with their weapons drawn. Leroy Paul and his accomplices knew they were on the losing side and went quietly with the agents, along with Fin and Oki to keep up the pretense.

Arriving back at the station, while Leroy was being booked, Olivia went to check on Lizzie and how she was getting on with her application. Elliott was following but Olivia stopped him "Go phone Kathy" Elliott scoffed "She doesn't want to hear from me" Olivia smiled at him and said "El, she's expecting your call" with that she returned to her office where Lizzie was finishing her application. After quickly reading it through, Olivia took Lizzie over to the Candidate Assessment Centre, and after quick introductions, Olivia wished Lizzie, luck made sure she was able to get home, and left.

Back at the station Olivia was met by a smiling Elliott who informed her that he was going to see Eli at the weekend. But it was soon down to business as Olivia and Elliott prepared to team up and interview Leroy. Olivia warned Elliott that she doesn't hold to threatening or intimidating perps anymore. "It doesn't work, and they are much more likely to close down." As they began the interview, Carisi, Amanda, Kat, Oki and Fin were watching through the mirrored glass, listening to what Leroy had to say, but also interested in watching the dynamic between Benson and Stabler - a partnership that around the 16th precinct was legendry. As the interview progressed Elliott and Olivia began the dance they had done hundreds of times before. Amanda, after watching for a while, said "They're good" Fin smiled "They were the best - Munch and I were very much the support act with these two around."

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