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The bell rang signaling for lunch time, "Finally" you thought to yourself. You looked out the window and saw what you hoped to be a magnificent storm heading your way.

You started craving a f/d so you went outside to the vending machine. You stopped for a moment to appreciate the amazing smell of the rain to come. You snapped out of reality when you heard 2 familiar voices it was your good friends Hinata and Kageyama practicing volleyball. You went over to the vending machine and pressed H-4 and out came your f/d.

You opened it up and walked over to your 2 friends. "Hey guys!" you said with a small smile as you took the first sip of your f/d. They both stopped and looked over to you. Hinata's face lit up with a bright smile "Y/N-CHAN~" He ran over to you giving you a hug.

You giggled and said "Someone's been practicing hard!"

"Yeah! I need to practice my hardest to be the next Tiny Giant!" He said while jumping up and down. You always envied his determination. Just then Kageyama came walking up behind Hinata while giving him a nice bonk on the head

"Jeez, calm down already. Don't you ever run out of energy?" he said while rolling his eyes. You laughed at Hinata's offended face.

"Anyways.." Kageyama started, "how have you been y/n?"

"I've been doing alright, still struggling with math." You sighed.

"Ah that's to bad, you know you should really look into the student tutoring program they have. Maybe it'll help you." Kageyama said.

"Yeah maybe I should." You said while looking at the ground. "Maybe he would be there~" you thought to yourself.

"Anyways we should finish up our practice since it's going to rain soon." Kageyama said.

"Aw alright you two be nice to each other I'll see you guys later!" You waved and went back inside to eat your lunch.

**~Time Skiiiipp~**

You decided to go check out the student tutoring thing Kageyama was talking about. You walked into the classroom where it's held and saw him.

Tsukishima Kei.

You've always had a bit of a crush on him, ever since you saw him actually. He's tall, cute, smart but also rude and sassy. You've always overlooked the last two though.

You swallowed your nervousness and sat down at the desk next to his. He glanced at you but quickly looked away when you noticed. You felt your face redden a bit and quickly but gently rubbed your cheeks to make it stop.

The teacher announced that you would be working in pairs with the person to the left of you. Your eyes widened when you realized You would be working with Tsukishima. He looked at you with a lazy and somehow sarcastic look in his eyes. Confused you said "I guess that means we're working together."

He replied with a lazy "guess so.."

"u-uhm my name is f/n  l/n, but please call me y/n" you said while holding out your hand.

"Tsukishima Kei." He said in his monotone voice returning the hand shake.

You guys started studying and he ended up really helping you with all the problems you didn't understand and by the end you felt like the smartest person in the world.

You wanted to repay him for all of his help- and you wanted to spend more time with him.. so you offered to treat him to anything of his choice at the convenience store.

Shockingly he accepted and you two walked together to the convenience store. On the way over you talked about tons of stuff, he teased you about your height and anything else he could find to tease you about and turns out you both had a lot in common. Although along the way you gained the nickname "shorty"  and you started calling him "Tsukki." You felt so comfortable with him, like you could tell him anything. "I wonder if he feels the same." You thought to yourself.

Once you got to the convenience store you got your f/d and f/s, Tsukki got a milk and a small shortcake.

You both ate your snacks outside and enjoyed the sunset and rainy weather together. When you both finished you walked up to him and gave him a big hug. Your arms around his stomach since you couldn't reach any higher.

"Thank you for helping me and having fun with me!" You said, a little to loud, but that was only because you were so nervous!

He stood there quiet for what felt like forever but in reality was like 8 seconds. He laughed and hugged you back. "No problem shorty, I had fun too" 

"hmph I am not that short!" You said while slowly pulling yourself back, even though you wanted to stay there longer.

"Suree~" he said with a smirk.

Just then it started to sprinkle, you smiled while holding your arms out and lifting your head to the sky, feeling the drops lightly hit your skin.

You looked at Tsukki, he was dumbfounded. You stepped back and giggled while saying "why don't you enjoy the rain? It feels amazing!"

His eyes widened and he blushed at the sight of you.

All of a sudden you felt yourself falling, everything was in slow motion, you shut your eyes trying to grasp onto anything, while bracing yourself for the landing. After a few seconds and not feeling anything you opened your eyes to see Tsukishima holding you.

He stopped you from falling.

Your eyes widened and you started blushing like crazy.

"Are you hurt?" He asked concerned but serious

"N-no I'm okay, a-are you?" you said embarrassed

"I'm okay, you know I didn't know short people were so clumsy." He chuckled

"Oh yeah just blame it on the fact that I'm short" you said sarcastically

You noticed Tsukki looking at you with the most intense look in his eyes.

"W-what? Are you okay? Your not hurt are yo-"

You were cut off by his lips crashing against yours. Your eyes widened and you blushed even more.
Time stopped and you didn't want it to ever start again. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. The kiss was passionate and your whole body was warm.

You were so happy, you both were.

"What a perfect ending to a perfect day" you thought to yourself.

hi hii I hope you guys enjoyed that! Sorry if it was long! If you have any notes, tips or constructive criticism for me please lmk! Until next time lovelies!
xoxo Ivo <3

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