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You and Tsukki had been dating for awhile now, almost 4 months. One day after school you were walking home together and he asked you if you wanted to go home with him. You were a little shocked since you've never been to his house before.

You went in his house and up to his room.

He sat down at his desk to do his homework and you started to look around his room, you looked in his closet and found an old Dino onesie. Your face lit up with amusement.

"What's this?~" you said cheekily

His lazily looked back and then his eyes widened

"N-nothing!" He said while standing up and grabbing it from you

"Wait!" you said

"W-what. I need to finish my homework." He said now way calmer

"I want to wear it." you said while making a pouty face

"What? No way" he said like a meanie

"Please please please please please..." you begged for about 3 minutes until he finally said yes.

You went into the restroom and changed into it. It was actually a little big on you but nevertheless you were comfy and cute.

You walked back out and went to sit on his lap while he did his homework. You walked over to him and made yourself comfortable, facing the opposite way so he would be able to see what he was doing. You snuggled into him and started to play Minecraft on your phone.

You didn't notice but he was bright red and trying to keep his composure. He put his left arm around you and wrote with his right. After about an hour and a half you started to get sleepy. You turned off your phone and snuggled your face into his chest to sleep.

After what felt like 20 minutes Tsukki asked you to get off because "it was uncomfortable" at this point you were half asleep and looked up to him with a sleepy face, rubbing your eyes.

"mmmm...fine.." you said sleepily

His eyes widened and he started to blush. He put his hand on the back of your head and softly pushed your head back into his chest.

"N-never mind it's fine." he said seriously.

You smiled and fell back asleep in his warm embrace.

Hii my lovelies!! Sorry if this one is short but I hoped you liked it! Again if you have any tips, requests, or constructive criticism please leave a comment! Until next time beautifuls!
xoxo Ivo <3

Tsukishima x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now