Chapter 1: Song Disaster - Louisa

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Monday. Monday afternoon when Miss Burn asked us to read a book. UGH! Books? You gotta be kidding me. Nope. I swiped a book off the shelf and murderously glared at the pictures. I flicked the pages and shockingly the phone rang.
'Mmhm. Yep. Okay. Got it. Of course you can have them for a while! Okay, they'll see you there!' answered our teacher. What was that about? Well we were about to find out.
'Cece, Louisa please go to Mrs Strachen's room. She needs to talk to you.' our teacher ordered. A look of surprise sprung onto our faces as we confusedly walked out of the room. Just after we exited the room I remembered something very important.
'Oh wait!' I exclaimed.
'What?' replied Cece impatiently. 'Remember," I reminded her, "my mum's picking me up from school early so I can go on the cruise. This is about the time she'll come!'
'It'll probably be quick.' said Cece, finding an excuse, 'Don't worry, we'll be back before your mum.' I attempted to raise an eyebrow and failed miserably. Cece grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs.
'Mrs Strachen? This must be serious!' I whispered to Cece.
'For goodness sake, Louisa! It'll be FINE.' responded Cece as she knocked on the door. Boy, was she ever wrong.
'What do you want?' interrogated Alice reluctantly.
'Yeah, what DO you want anyways.' added Sophia. I was lost for words. Cece quickly realised that and bravely spoke up.
'Ummmm...'said Cece, tongue twisted, 'Mrs Strachen wanted to see us.' We both nodded and smiled. Alice turned her head at the teacher and nodded to her then to us. What was this secret code?
'Oh! You two! Come in!' We made our way across the room and Sophia gave us a speeduporsuffertheconsequences look. We gladly did so. We awkwardly sped across the room. Our cheeks went red with embarrassment, the largest year three class was staring at us.

'Girls' Mrs Strachen said, 'your song for the Talent Quest is a little inappropriate.' "How? In what ways?" I wanted to ask. In the end I couldn't restrain myself.
'How?!' I blurted out.
'It's the first few words that are causing problems,' she explained, 'you'll have to change your song.' No, that wasn't possible. She had to be kidding me! Nope, nope and even more nope with a slice of nope and a side of nope.
'Okay, we can do that,' Cece said but I knew that she had no idea what she was saying,'We'll change it straight away!' What the heck was she doing, oh I know, putting us in jeopardy!
'Great.' responded Mrs Strachen in a kinda enthusiastic way, 'You may go now.'
'What are we going to do?' asked Cece, desperate for some kind of encouragement.
'I don't know, but we better get back to class.' So we did and we joined in on the last few minutes of reading. All of a sudden the sunlight was blocked out and knocking rapped on the door. A familiar head popped in and spoke.
'Hi! I'm Susanna, Louisa's mum, may I please take Louisa?'
'Yes and don't forget to have fun.' It wouldn't be fun until we got this talent quest thing done. UGH! Why did this have to happen to us?


Hi guys! I hope you like the first proper chapter! It does get more intense and you will see Cece's side of this chapter!

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