Chapter 4: Perilous Playdate - Louisa

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I was sitting on the living room floor completing my lego masterpiece when Jess came to join me

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I was sitting on the living room floor completing my lego masterpiece when Jess came to join me.
'Soooo...' said Jess.
'So what?' I replied.
'So how's your dance coming along? Did Cece change it? How many moves? What moves? Can you show me? How much practise have you done?' interrogated Jess.
'1. Our dance is coming along. 2. We changed our song to Queen of Mean so we had to change our dance entirely. 3. We have six moves,' Jess snorted, 'But we repeat them. 4+5. I'll show you the moves,' So I did, '6. We practised, like, all of last Friday.' Jess laughed.
'Okay, you had an ENTIRE week and you only practised on one day, you had an ENTIRE hour and you couldn't EVEN think of 2 minutes worth of moves.' Jess said. 'We really need an opportunity for you two to practise.' Jess told herself.
'But when?' We asked ourselves at the same time. 'JINX!' We both screamed.
I saw Jess texting like a maniac on the iPad. Jess suddenly burst out saying: 'Oh, thanks Ruby for reminding me about the party next week!' "Huh? The party? I really needed her to leave so I could see what she had been texting." Jess left and went to mum. They would be chatting for a while. I got onto the iPad and checked the Ruby texting boxything.
'Hey Rubes? I think we need to set up a playdate.' 'Yeah, I agree!' 'Our sisters haven't practised talent quest enough.' 'Yeah, like seriously only 6 moves, pathetic!' 'IK! They had a whole week!' 'Were u thinking any specific time that they could have a playdate?' 'Well, we DO have the party on Sunday.' 'Good point. My mum could take us there and drop Louise off?' 'I'll talk to her and u talk 2 ur dad.' I heard some footsteps approaching and sprinted towards my lego.
'Guess what Louisa?' Jess asked me excitedly.
'What?' I responded.
'Mum is going to take me and Ruby to the party while you get dropped off at Ruby's!' A grin inched onto my face. This was going to be great. 'BUT you have to practise the Talent Quest during the playdate.' She continued. "Fine with me. I'll get to be away from her for once. Sunday was only one week away, all I had to do was wait till then."
It was a great week and I hadn't been bothered about the Talent Quest. Almost immediately it was Sunday and Jess was awake at 6am. Around 8 she ordered me to get up and deal with it. Nope, I wouldn't let her take my sleep away from me. Sunday was the only day I didn't have ANYTHING on. But Jess wouldn't give up. She grabbed me by the ankle and yanked me as well as my blanket out of bed. I was told to practise the moves and get dressed appropriately for Cece's.
When I finally arrived I was soooo relieved that I would finally be left alone with Cece. Ruby was picked up and I waved goodbye to mum. Cece and I properly figured out some good moves and placed them in a good order. After that we practised it from the top.
'I'm tired!' I explained to Cece after we had completed our second time through.
'Why don't we practise one more time and then we stop.' suggested Cece.
'Yeah, 3 times should be enough.' I agreed. We redid the dance and we were absolutely exhausted. We dashed up the stairs to play. "3 times is enough, right?" I thought. All we had to do now was have fun.
We heard a door closing. It was almost a guarantee that it was my mum. We spotted Erksine sprinting down the stairs towards the door. Mum's voice, then Ruby's, then Jess's projected up the stairs. By instinct, we ran downstairs.
'So, you two practise the Talent Quest?' Ruby questioned.
'Yeah, we did!' answered Cece.
'Okay then, show us!' Ruby replied, smuggling a laugh away.
'NO!' I rebutted, 'We don't have to if we don't want to! We have already practised three times!'
'Th-three times?' laughed Jess, 'How many times have we practised?'
'Yeah, like 500 times or more!' Ruby added. The older sisters both burst into laughter. 'Okay, fine we'll show.' Cece reluctantly agreed. '3-2-1 GO!' The music started to play and we danced to it. I observed Jess and Ruby giggle the entire time we danced. I tried to ignore them but it was very difficult.
After our dance ended I realised that mum recorded us, this would be SO embarrassing. In the blink of an eye, Jess and Ruby stood up. They strutted over to Erksine and whispered something to him. All of a sudden they started to dance and I started to feel intimidated. They danced with precision in every step, perfection in exaggeration, practise in each action. It was true, their dance was a million miles better than ours. They bowed together and sat down. 'Well, we should get going.' mum ordered as she stood up. We said goodbye and entered the car. The entire journey I didn't speak to Jess. I didn't expect her to speak to me either.


OMG, like these sisters though! So the song Cece and Louisa danced to was Queen of Mean. The older sisters did their cheerleading routine to Milkshake (A.K.A. It's better than yours). So, we will see Cece's version of this chapter. Please comment and vote!
- Palladium_46

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