Chapter 22

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I laid in my bed exhausted, I was fully awake but I still didn't want to get out of bed. Spreading out in my lonely bed I realized how much I missed Taylor. It's been two weeks since she stayed that week after the hospital and I realized how much I still misses her. Groaning I kicked off my blanket and turned restlessly. Burying my face into my pillow I hollered in frustration.

Was I being too clingy?

Flipping over onto my back I didn't even realize I has fallen back asleep until my door swung open, smacking into my dresser causing me to jump from my sleep.
"Get out of bed." Looking up I saw beautiful blue pools hovering above me.
"Why?" As happy as I was to see her, I still didn't know why she was being so commanding.
"Cause." She smirked at me as I sat up. "For an entire week we stayed in your house, so now I'm taking you on a date."
What!? A date?
"A date?" I raised my eyebrow more in shock then in confusion. I never expected for her to want to take me on a date.
She actually wanted to be seen in public with me?

Kneeling down in front of her hands rested on my thighs.
"Yes a date." Her smile was completely perfect which caused my heart to melt. Her soft pink lips moved towards me, closing the gap between us. Kissing me sweetly I could feel my heart attempt to explode from my chest. Breaking our kiss I watched as she smiled a toothy smile. Her blush creeped slowly up to her cheeks as I continued to eye her.
"Now, get dressed, we have a long day ahead of us."


I played with my curls as I sat in the passenger seat of Taylor's car. For some reason I was completely nervous over a date with a girl I've known for a long time.
"Where are we going?" Looking over at her I waited for her reply.
"It's a surprise." Her smile was bright but she managed to annoy the hell out of me.

I hate surprises!!

Groaning I continues to anxiously pull on my curls. Eventually we pulled up to an enormous building with the giant words 'Central Arcade' across the too.
"An arcade?" I giggled as I looked over at her.
"I love arcades!" Jumping out of her car I followed her. Obviously moving too slow for her liking she grabbed my hand and pulled me across the parking lot. Once we got inside I listened to the joyful bonks and dings the games echoed throughout the building.
"What do you wanna play first?" She looked over at me and smiling like a child.
"I loved playing Pac Man!" I let out breathlessly as we raced over the machine.

$100 and hours later we finally left the arcade.
"That was great." I grinned happily over at her.

I haven't had this much fun in a while

"Glad you're enjoying it so far." She smiled at my happily.
"So far?" I questioned. Nodding her head she ignored me the rest of the ride.


Not exactly sure on were I was, but damn did they have great food! I sat across from Taylor as I watched her smile at my happily.
"What?" I asked giggling at her.
"Nothing." She smiled an extremely bright smile. "Just glad you're here with me." Her statement caused me to blush as I looked away from her.

Once our dinner was finished we walked hand and hand to her car.
"One more place." She chimed grinning at me happily.
"Taylor!" I giggled out to her. "My brother is going to think I died." I watched as her blue eyes brighten. She knew something I didn't.
"I texted Jeremy before I came to pick you up. He knows." She smiled as she kissed my hand.

Wow. She apparently had this planned already.

After what felt like forever we pulled up at a park.
"A park?" I questioned her raising my eyebrow.
"Yes." As she got out the car I followed her down to the swings.
"Not just any park." I looked at her confused as we sat down on the swings.
"This is the park were I first hung out with you and Jeremy. The park I first met you our freshmen year." Smiling down at me she kissed my hand. Our fingers intertwined each other's as we sat on the swings together.

"I can't believe you remembered that." Smiling at her I watched her in awe. Her and Jeremy's first 'date' was at the park. He was too nervous to go by himself so he made me tag along. His little sister. I remember when I first met Taylor I envied Jeremy for having such a beautiful girlfriend. Smiling at the memory I looked back Taylor.
"How could I not?" She questioned softly.

Standing up she turned and sat on my lap facing me. Placing her palm onto my cheek her blue eyes stayed connected with mine. My heart pounded against my chest as my body begged for her to kiss me. As if she could hear the pleas my body screamed she closed the gap between us.

Kissing me gently, our kiss we shared quickly heated up. Her fingers eventually found the nape of my neck and quickly tangled her fingers in my hair. After a while she pulled away causing me to groan slightly. Looking at me she pulled me off the swing and gave me another sweet kiss.
"Let's get home." She said breathlessly.


School is starting soon and I really wanted to get this done before I go back! It's going to take forever for me to update again once school starts again. :( But what did y'all think of the date??

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