The Training And The Sick

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I head up to the lookout to see Dende waiting there for me.

Dende: "Back for some night training?"

Jay Jay: "Yea, I'm sorry to do this to ya all the time."

Dende: "It's fine with me, I usually don't go to sleep till like 3 in the morning anyway."

Jay Jay: "Thanks, dude. I'll be out by midnight."

I walk into the hyperbolic time chamber and take out my fighting clothes. I change then get ready to train.


I make one last Kamehameha blast before the timer on my phone rings. I come out of the chamber and head to one of the rooms to take a shower. I come out and look for Dende.

Jay Jay: "Hey, imma head out now. Thanks one more time Dende! Have a nice night!"

Dende waves as I fly home.

I come home and see my mom waiting for me sitting on the couch.

Chi Chi: "Young lady I want an explanation on exactly what you are doing at work. Surely, they aren't working a teenager all day from morning til midnight."

I take off my shoes as a pass by her to my room.

Jay Jay: "I stay late to do some extra practicing. Night mom."

Chi Chi: "Oh, what am I going to do with you."

I set my stuff down and lay down on my bed. I couldn't fall asleep so I stayed on my phone till the next morning. Once again, I get up off my bed and head to work. I didnt see my mom while heading out. Maybe she's over sleeping. Anyway I head out to work, only to see Gohan leaving for school on flying nimbus.

Gohan: "Hey, sis heading to work?"

I ignore him and start flying.

Gohan (sigh): "Well there she goes again."

I'm surprised he even knew I worked. He's always in his own little world studying. I didn't think he paid any attention to anything else.


I arrive at work and set my stuff down in the staff room when Dusk comes up to me.

Dusk: "Emergency we have a lot of setting up to do!"

Jay Jay: "What's up?"

Dusk: "Someone from Capsule Corp just called and said they are renting out the entire restaurant for lunch! I already put up the sign saying we are closed for lunch but we have a lot of preparing to do! We are the only ones on staff for lunch!"

Jay Jay (growls): "It would've been nice for them to call at least a day in advance, but noooo they have to be so complicated!"

Dusk: "Hey this is a huge deal for us! Capsule Corp is a huge company and if the workers like our food this time, they might recommend it to other people. THIS IS A CHANCE FOR OUR RESTAURANT TO RAISE IT'S SALES!"

Jay Jay: "Woah there tiger. Let's breathe." (Laughs) "You unusually pumped for this. Alright let's get started."


We prepare all the ingredients for our "lunch rush". I open the doors to see Trunks, Bulma, and Vegeta.

Jay Jay: "Hello, and welcome to Another World."

Trunks (laughing): "Come on say the full line, I know there is more."

I glare at Trunks before reciting the full line.

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