I'll see you soon

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It's currently 6 in the morning and long story short i'm supposed to be at my local concert arena in exactly 3 hours. Why ? you may ask, well about 9 months ago Mikey's band got big. Like Big big, and they. well '5 Seconds Of Summer' have been touring around Australia for about 6 months now and Michael made a big deal to the band about how they have to come to Darwin so him and I can meet. Now don't get me wrong I want to meet Mike but I just don't want him to meet me? So yes, we call, text and facetime literally every day but what if once he meets my in person he doesn't like me. Or if I'm different to what he expects or-

*Ring Ring Ring*

Its mike.

"Yes Mikey?"

"Please tell me you're still coming today" he sounds desperate to say the least.

"Are you sure you want to meet me Mike?"

"Your kidding right?", I stay Silent "Ava trust me I want to meet you, why else would I go out of my way to make Darwin onw of out tour dates"

"Um to meet your fans"

"No, well yeah but no. Ava we have been bestfriends for like 2 years now, trust me I wanna see you" he laughs. I still stay silent

"Why do you think I wouldn't want tot meet you pretty girl?" . That damn nickname

"I don't know mikey. what if i'm not what you're expecting, or if you like me now but you meeting me makes you hate me or-"

"Ava please stop. I want to see you and plus I could never hate you. okay?"  "Okay?" he repeats

"Yeah. Okay"

"I have to go to sound check, but ill see you later okay.

"Okay see you then"

"I love you Ava"

"Yeah I love you too Mikey"


"And forever" I giggle. And with that he hung up. If you couldn't already tell me and Mikes friendship has evolved over time, that whole forever and always thing is how he ends every conversation but I don't mind I think its cute.

I'm still terrified but I realise I only have an hour to get ready now so I get up to get ready. I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out what I want to wear, Back ripped skinny jeans, a black crop top and the flannel mike gave me in his cute little gift box he sent me like a year ago. This flannel amazes me on so many levels because although the countless amount of time it has been through the wash, it still manages to smell like Michaels cologne.

Once i'm dressed I walk over to my bathroom. I bush out my hair it goes just past my boobs and is a dirty blonde colour. I then just brush my teeth and apply a small amount of makeup on because I know when I meet mike later ill just cry it all off.


Shit, I see the time and realise that I got to leave if I wanna miss traffic. So with that thought I grab my phone, keys and wallet and run put the door. I jump in my car and press play on the radio to start the Cd I had in the already, it was one Mike sent to me with all of 5sos' unreleased music. I guess that was one of the perks of being bestfriends with a famous singer, you get to hear everything before everyone else. This Cd was for their new album 'CALM', my favourite song off of it is 'Old me'. a/n I put old me because that is my favourite song off of CALM :)


"holy crap" I am blown away by how may young girls are here to support Mikey and the guys. I pull out my phone and text Mike

Pretty girl :) - Just got to the venue ;)

Bestfriend :) - Ahhhh I'm so excited to see you !!!!!

Pretty girl :) - Same goes Ill see you soon, love you always x

Bestfriend :) - And forever :) x


The concert finished about 15 minutes ago but I got a text from mike telling mw to stay where I was seated so when he got ready he could come out and find me. To tell you I'm nervous would be an understatement, I am terrified. But apparently I don't have much time to think it over because from the side entrance door I see an all too familiar face pop out

"Hey pretty girl" his smile is so big it stretches from ear to ear

"Hey mike" my face copies his action, the only difference is I cant help but let out a tear of joy. I'm meeting my bestfriend






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