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After dinner last night with Ava we came home and crashed. Its now 10 in the morning and Ava's cuddled into my chest asleep, picture perfect. Now i mean that quite literally because my next action was snapping a picture of this moment on my phone, and i may have posted it on twitter with the caption Morning cuddles with my Ave x I just smile down at the tweet before shutting my phone off.

I decided to not wake Ava up and just let her sleep i mean that was until what happened next. I look down and see the sheet stained red, Averly got her period. Now just to make it clear im not mad or annoyed, its not her fault that this happened but i can't just let her sleep in her blood so i wake her up.

"Hey Ava you need to wake up for me pretty girl"

"why" she groaned, Ava really isn't a morning person

"You need to have a shower" followed by a kiss on her forehead. And with that it was almost like something clicked in her head which made her body sit up and look down.

"Shi-"  "Im so sorry Mikey ill wash the sheets"

"Ava its okay i don't care. Its not your fault, go shower and clean yourself up okay"

"Thank you so much" and just like that she ran to the bathroom.

I decided while she's in the shower ill strip the bed and wash her sheets. I also noticed she didn't grab a towel on her way into the bathroom so i grabbed the fluffiest one and out it in the dryer so it would be warm by the time she got out of the shower.


If i am being completely honest i am so grateful i got my period, i hadn't got it since the party um incident so having it now cures my worry of being pregnant. I am also go happy Mike didn't freak out this morning, i don't know what i would have done if he were to be upset over this but he reacted amazingly so i couldn't be more grateful for him right now.

I finish cleaning myself up in the shower so i turn the water off and grab a. there's no towels for fuc- sakes.



"i forgot a towel can you grab me one please" i ask

"yeah, one second Aves" followed by a knock on my bathroom door so i unlock and grab the towel he gave me threw the door.

"did you put my towel in the dryer Michael"

"Maybe" i can hear his smirk

"Oh my god i love you" i cant believe him

"And i love you" he replies, yeah well you might not wanna know how much it is that i love you...

Michael and I decided to stay home today and have a movie marathon, we were currently watching mean girls cuddled up on a one seater recliner. I'm lying on mikes lap with my head against his chest but you know what really sucks about this? This would normally be really cute and shi- but I can't focus on anything except the sharp stab like pains shooting threw my stomach.

I get off Michael and walk over to my medicine cupboard in my bathroom. I shuffle around looking for some Panadol, I shortly found a packet and took 2 of the pills.

I walk back down to my living room and cuddle back up with Mike
"Everything alright Aves?"
"Yeah just got cramps, no big deal" I look up at him.
We both go back to watching the movie, but this time i feel Mikey's hands slip up my - well Michaels loose t-shirt and he starts massaging my lower stomach. As much and him doing this hurts a bit it at the same time it helps a bit, I just decide to snuggle my head into his chest and fall asleep.

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