Lovers II

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Jennie x Reader

( A/n: Super long read ahead around 4000 words at least, also smut if you're not comfortable with g!p then I suggest you skip. Not proof read too, so look out for any mistakes!)


Me and Jennie walk into the massive grandiose house, our hands intertwined as I feel the music pounding through my chest. The place was filled with sweaty bodies drinking and laughing away, it was almost impossible to hear each other through the noise. I spot Lisa and the rest already dancing in the middle, joining the rest of the immense crowd.

"Woah there's a lot of people here." I say, eyes scanning the entire room for any place that was less crowded.

"Yeah, well it's a pretty big house" Jennie shouts through the loud blaring music.

We both make our way towards the kitchen to grab a drink, greeting a few people that we knew along the way. After a couple of sips, I feel myself start to relax as a sudden feeling of excitement rushes all over me. 

"Hey you wanna dance?" I ask nonchalantly, taking a sip of my drink. Eyeing the dancing crowd in the living room. 

Jennie stares at me wide eyed, nearly spitting out her drink, a light tint of pink appearing on her cheeks "Did I hear you correctly?" she asks "You wanna dance with me?"

I roll my eyes at her, a grin escaping my lips "Yes you, and everyone else." I motion towards the living room at the view of three other girls who were flailing around mindlessly.

I laugh at the brunette as the tint on Jennie's cheeks now turned crimson "But if that's what you had in mind, then I'm okay with that too." 

She shoves me lightly on my side, crossing her arms "You know that's exactly what I meant." I chuckle even more "Yeah alright sure, now let's go." I grab her hand and lead her through the crowd of people.

The other three cheer loudly when we finally met them in the middle "Yay! your here, thought this one already sneaked you off somewhere." Lisa nudges her elbows onto Jennie's side as she send me a wink.

"Lisa!" Jennie sends a glare towards the taller girl as she immediately hides behind Chaeyoung for support "I'm joking!" Lisa shouts in defense.

We spend the next thirty minutes jumping and dancing around carelessly, until we all decided to take a break and get a breath of fresh air. We all walk out towards the massive backyard, which was less crowded then inside but was so much louder due to the amount of people sprawled out into the garden.

 Me and Jennie tag along behind, as the rest joined a small crowd of people huddled together for some drinking game. 

"Why are they always messing with you?" I ask directly looking at Jennie, she takes a sip of her drink and raises a questioning eyebrow "What do you mean?" I take some time before answering, choosing carefully over my next few words. I had absolutely no Idea why I was suddenly nervous around her. It seemed as if I was scared for what was to come next.

"Like why do they keep teasing you about me." She stares blankly at me for a while before rolling her eyes and looking away "If I explained it, you still couldn't take a hint." She ends with a light huff.

I wasn't totally clueless, I had an idea, but I didn't want to ask right away knowing the possibility of making her uncomfortable or making a complete fool of myself for even assuming. Still she was Jennie kim, and you're never truly certain whenever it came to her.

Jennie and Rosé Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن