Broken (Ichiro Yamada x Reader)

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This is going to be something like a short angst series, I will have one for each MCD member, it takes place of when Sasara and Kuko left Mad Comic Dialogue, each one shot is of the point of view of one of the four members, enjoy! (Hopefully)

I'll try my hardest not to spoil, but it's better to have read the T.D.D manga!

If you haven't, then this is set in the Yamada household after the orphanage the three brothers lived in was ended, Jiro and Saburo had forgiven their older brother and they had only just started to squabble with each other.


Babysitting two kids for your dearest friend and (~perhaps~) crush sounded better than you thought, you expected to sit around and be bored while waiting for Ichiro to come back, but instead, you found yourself sitting in checkmate right in front of the youngest Yamada.

"Checkmate! I win!!"


"Wow Saburo! You're so talented at such a young age!"

You ruffled Saburo's hair and he giggled as Jiro rolled his eyes, you were about to suggest playing another game when you heard keys jingling in the door's lock.

"Oh! Ichi's back!"

You said before you jumped to your feet and ran down the stairs to greet him, you were quickly backed up by Jiro and Saburo,

"Heya! Ichi--ro!?"

You looked at Ichiro with worry, his cheeks were stained with tears as a big bruise took place on the side of his face, he had a pained expression on, such a horrible and saddening look on him, you couldn't bear it. 

You couldn't let Ichiro's younger brothers see him like this either, so you shoved the both of you into the bathroom before locking the door and ignoring the confused questions from Jiro and Saburo. Ichiro didn't even resist, he kept looking down. You brought your hand to his cheek as your lips turned into a worrisome frown. He looked back at you, his eyes red from tears.

"Wh-What happened?! What's this bruise?! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah... I'm f-fine..."

Ichiro sniffled before he bit his lip and looked back down, a tear slid down his cheek before he covered his face with his forearm and turned around, but you turned with him and hugged him tightly, he instantly returned the embrace with his own before burying his face into your shoulder and quietly crying into it.

You soothingly rubbed Ichiro's back, his sobs getting louder.

"Come on Ichiro... what happened? You can trust me, I'll help you"

Ichiro tried to speak between whimpers, you listened intently.

"K-Kuko's gone, sniffle, h-he... h-he left..."

You didn't need to hear any more, you understood what happened, so you quickly nodded before moving your hand from Ichiro's back to his head, calmly ruffling his hair to soothe his sobs.

"It's alright... I'm here... did you fight?"

"I-I don't know! I-It was just so sudden! Sniff... he w-was my b-best friend... I-I thought he knew th-that..."

You kept on comforting Ichiro...  but confusion lingered in your mind, Kuko? Leaving Ichiro so suddenly?! Why, that was absolutely insane! These two were close as it got! How could something like this happen so suddenly?! 

"I... I-I..."

"I'm here to listen, you have my full attention.

You replied while throwing back all external thoughts, you'd ask him about it later.

"Th-This day... I hate i-it... I-I don't want to sniffle remember i-it... th-the day h-he left..."

Your eyes widened... you got an idea... it was risky, but worth it.

"You know, they say, a bad memory can be forgotten and buried if backed up with a happy one... how about I give it a try?"

You said as you sat on the sink's counter, Ichiro followed you, kneeling his head on your shoulder and fumbling with his fingers.

"A g-good memory... b-but how good can i-it be to make me forget th-this..."

He replied as he put a hand on the bruise on his cheek, you gently brought your hand to his and lowered it before holding it with both your own, he looked at you questionably.

"Well... how about the day I confessed my love to you? Ichiro Yamada?"

You looked Ichiro in the eye as his widened.


"Did I stutter?"

'How the hell didn't I stutter?!'

Ichiro didn't say a word, he only embraced you before holding you tightly and nuzzling into your chest.

"Th-Thank you... shaky breath... s-so much... I'll b-be able to remember this day and smile... "

You hugged him back before answering with a soft smile.

"I'm glad I could help you see the light"

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