Chapter 3

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A/N: If y'all can't tell already this is semi-autobiographical. Additionally, I was wondering, I have an original story I've been writing, would anybody be interested in me putting that on here? Or should I just stick with the fanfiction? All thoughts welcome.

The girl's eyes sweep

around the bustling cafeteria

her tray balanced in one hand

and the strap of her backpack clutched in the other

although it is technically her third day

it is her first in the lunchroom

and she doesn't know where to sit.

it isn't that she is scared to sit down;

more like... 


her  eyes scan the room again

and they accidentally lock

with the boy's

The boy waves the girl over to his table. The table where the boys on the team are sitting. He sees her eyes flash with something- relief? No matter, she is here now, and he is scooting over to make room for her beside him. The girl places her tray down and slides onto the metal bench.

"Thanks." She says simply, picking up a french fry from her plate and sliding it into her mouth. 

The girl's tray is loaded with a cheeseburger and its trimmings, like most of the boys at the table. As they watch she picks up the burger and takes a bite. Most of the interaction these boys had with girls were with the cheerleaders. None of them ate burgers.

"What?" The girl asks, swallowing her food.

"Nothing." Most of the boys mutter. Their attention has been taken up by something else; someone else. Towards their table saunters a girl, with perfectly curled brown hair and perfectly clear skin, a pack of other cookiecutters in her wake. 

"Hiii, Spot." The new girl purrs, her hand delicately resting on the boy's shoulder. The girl rolls her eyes. She has seen the type before. But her movement does not go unnoticed by the new girl.

"Oh, are you the one that is on the... boys basketball team?" The new girl says with fake peppiness.

The girl nods, putting another fry in her mouth. "Yep, that's me." She says.

The new girl smiles plasticly. "I'm Delia." she says.

"I'm Scout." The girl eats another fry.

"Surely that's not your real name?"

"You think 'Spot' is his?" The girl raises an eyebrow and pops a french fry into her mouth.

Delia doesn't say anything, but withdraws her hand from the boy's shoulder. She looks the girl up and down, taking in the hastily brushed hair, t-shirt and cargo pants.

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