Chapter 6

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The girl walks into class

just as the bell rings.

She sits down

in front of the boy

like usual

when the teacher calls a group project

she turns and gives him a smile

asking a question with her eyes

his answer is yes

he opens his mouth to give it

until the teacher says 

'assigned partners'.

The girl sits at the little table with her partner. A girl named Kylie. They are brainstorming ideas for the project. They need to create a business. 

"We need a business idea with a wide-scale scope, that can be both appealing to the teachers and the students. And then there's the problem of advertising." Kylie says, but the girl is not focused. Her gaze keeps drifting over to where the boy sits. And then further over to where Delia is.

"Why doesn't Delia like me?" The girl says, unintentionally voicing her thought.

"Duh." Kylie says, jumping on the new topic with ease. "Cause Spot does."

The girl looks at Kylie, puzzled. 

"Delia like likes Spot, and she's jealous cause Spot like likes you." Kylie says this as if everyone should know it. In fact, everyone does. Except the girl. 

"No he doesn't." The girl says, shaking her head. 

"Let's count up the evidence." Kylie says. "1. Stares at you all homeroom long."

"I'm right in front of him."

"2. He asked you to watch him at tryouts, then asked you if you made the team. Good job on that by the way; I've seen you play and you're  honestly quite good."

"How did you know about that?"

"I know everything. 3. He sits with you at lunch."

"I sit with the team."

"4. He walks home with you every. single. day. Not to mention all the little glances and smiles y'all throw each other." Kylie folds her arms across her chest. "Game, set, match, Spot Conlon is in love with you."

The girl has no response. 

"5 minutes." The teacher calls.

"What's our business idea?" The girl changes the subject.

"Officially? Bike repair shop, I'll set up a website for us and handle the marketing side if you do the physical repair." Kylie says. 

The girl nods her assent.

"Unofficially?" Kylie smiles. "I'm getting you a date."


The boy

is distracted.


His friend is basically brainstorming by himself

on second thought, the boy is brainstorming.

Just something else. 

Specifically, how to get a certain girl

to like him

and maybe even

to go out with him.

His friend says to just ask.

But where's the fun in that? 

By the end of the brainstorming session

he has a plan

and a good one at that

The boy rushes to the music room at the very first opportunity. The music teacher is there. "Ms. Medda." He says. "I need help." Such a request from such a boy is unheard of. This is why Ms Medda knows it's serious. And why, as he explains his request, she nods slowly. 

"It will work."

The boy nods his thanks and leaves. Ms Medda stares after him for a split second before chuckling to herself. "It'll work real well, if I know him."

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