Oracles of Ice 4

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After a long night fraught with worry and sadness, Gaielle returned to the shore. The morning sun had dried her fin, and the transformation had been quick. She never got used to the pain, but it wasn't as bad as it once had been. She also had never gotten used to the chilly air and wondered if the coverings worn by the guards she'd spied on also helped with warmth. Determined to find out, she headed away from the rocks in the direction of the small ranch she had seen, hoping to find they had hung their coverings out as always.

The breeze chilled her to the bone, and she was thankful for her long wavy hair. It at least sheltered some of her body from the wind. The earth was hard, and walking across the stones and pine needles hurt her feet, but she managed to fight her way through the trees until the small cabin came into view. Just as she suspected, the front of the house had several items draped over the railings and furniture.

Gaielle snuck up to the home and looked at each item, favoring the pastel green fabric of one particular piece. The material was soft, and she brushed it across her cheek, enjoying the texture. Holding it up to examine it, she realized exactly where her arms should go. She didn't really know how to put it on, so she did her best, pulling the item over her head and shoving her arms down the long, thin, tubes of fabric. It seemed to be a bit on the large side, bagging around her chest and waist, but she noticed when the length of fabric dropped around her legs it did help her stay warmer. Smiling with herself, she tied the small strands of material at the back of her neck in a knot and jogged off toward the berry patch.

Never having worn any coverings before, she felt uncomfortable. The fabric felt restrictive on her skin and a bit itchy, but she was glad she had put it on. The air was chilly and bit at her skin, making her shiver. She hurried to the berry bush and greedily snatched handfuls of the delicious ripe fruit. The seeds crunched between her teeth, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue, but she enjoyed it. Nothing she had ever eaten in Pelagius had ever been quite as delicious.

She stopped chewing when she heard the crunching of branches near her. A chill went up her spine, and she stepped behind a tree, peering around its girth to watch as a man approached. His silvery-golden curls bounced on his forehead, and the breezed tossed them around. He carried a bundle of something under his arm and seemed to walk with determination. Something about the man intrigued her. She studied his gait: purposeful, long strides. Gaielle put another berry in her mouth as she watched him.

He walked so near her she held her breath for fear of him hearing. A flap of something hanging from the load he carried got snagged on the thorns of the berry bush, and he stopped, exclaiming loudly. His face contorted to show anger and frustration. Gaielle nearly lost herself and rushed to his aide. His blue eyes amazed her; how perfectly beautiful he was. She watched as his long slender fingers worked at the snag, attempting to free his item from the briars. He struggled and freed one corner, only to snag it again as he stood up.

"Gods be!" he shouted and dropped his items to the ground; the corner of one of them still clung to the bush. Gaielle frowned, deciding she had to help him. He obviously was having a bad start to his day, and if she could help him, it would make his day better. She tossed her wavy, tangled, blue tresses over her shoulder and stepped out. The movement gave the man a start, and he backed away, a look of fright on his face.

"I'm sorry. I was just here eating some berries. I saw you struggle with the...well with this." Gaielle picked at the fabric carefully and freed it from the thorns. She lifted the item and looked at it, wondering what it was. Holding it out to him, she offered him a smile. "Here."

The man looked very hesitant, but he padded toward her and took what she offered. "Thanks. My pillow got snagged."

Pillow, she thought. What a strange word. She smiled again and looked down at his other item then back to him.

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