Oracles of Ice 10

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Violent shivers wracked her body, and pain shot through her muscles as they spasmed and contracted. Wave after wave of nausea caused Gaielle to dry heave. She rested on all fours next to the raging fire Aethelfrith had burning in his firebox. He had draped a blanket over her backside and sat beside her with his hand splayed across the skin of her lower back. Gaielle coughed and spat mucus on the wood plank in front of her. Her hair hung around her face like a curtain, hiding her fear and shame. She had heard of the legend of the frozen mermaid, but like all other warnings her father and brother had given, she had ignored it. At least she'd had the sense to warn Aethelfrith before they had lain together.

Tears burned at her eyes, but she refused them exit. She was not the kind of woman who got weepy and emotional about things. She hadn't died—though the legend passed on to her told how mermaids of old had died when their fluids mingled with that of a Warrick. She let the fear of such a death out through each measured breath, and relaxed back onto her bottom, tucking her knees against her chest to hide her nakedness. She felt Aethelfrith near her, his hands tucking the blanket around her body.

"Thank you," she murmured, feeling shy all the sudden. She had seduced him, leading him to his own bed and quenching her own thirst for his body. Now, she felt embarrassed by her behavior and wanted to slink away unnoticed. Her father would be appalled. Her brother may never speak to her again. Another round of shivers shook her, and she felt Aethelfrith wrap his arms around her and squeeze.

"I was terrified. I had no idea what happened... What did happen?" he asked, his voice sounding frantic.

"I..." she stammered. If she told him the legend of the mermaid, she would give herself away. He would be furious with her for lying to him about her nature. Chances were, he had never seen a mermaid walking on land. Perhaps, he never even knew it could happen, and there she was in the pine, walking around like an earther, wearing earthers' clothing.

"You were frozen... Like, legitimately frozen. Why did that happen?" Aethelfrith tightened his hold on her, and she found it difficult to breathe.

"I..." Gaielle didn't know what to say to him. Her breath caught in her throat.

"I've heard of the legend..." His voice trailed off after he spoke. He didn't let go of her, and she wondered what it meant.

"You have?"

"I have..."

She looked up at him with worried eyes, unsure how to feel. She had lied to him, and if he was telling the truth about knowing the legend, he knew it. She swallowed the saliva that had collected in her mouth and pressed her lips into a straight line. Blinking, she frowned but didn't speak. Her heart sank knowing she had disappointed him. All she had wanted to do was to comfort him.

"Are you?" he asked, loosening his embrace.

"Am I what?"

" know...a..."

"I am a mermaid, yes. I am from Pelagius." Gaielle's cheeks burned, and she buried her face between her knees and pulled the blanket around her shoulders a bit tighter. Aethelfrith didn't speak again, though he moved away from her. It was obvious he was angry with her; he didn't have to say it. "I'm sorry. I didn't lie to you. I just... You were... And I..." She fumbled with the words, keeping her face hidden. She wondered how long it would be until he kicked her out of the home.

"Gaielle, stand up." His tone was not angry, but it was firm. Fear gripped her entire being, but she forced herself off the ground to a standing position, clamping her hands around her mid-section to hold the blanket in place. With her head hanging, she turned toward him.

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