Oracles of Ice 16

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"It hurts!" screamed Gaielle. Genevieve had her hand clamped on Gaielle's wrist as she swam in circles around the tiny chamber. Pain shot through her body, down her fin and up through her chest. Her laboring had begun the previous day, but for the past two bells it had been so intense she couldn't lie down any longer. Nothing had prepared her for the agony of childbirth, not even the warnings of the chanter or her sister-in-law.

Genevieve hummed and smoothed her hand across Gaielle's back as she swam, but it was more irritating than comforting. The cries of a tiny infant mermaid rang out from across the chamber. Its strong water lungs were a testament to its vitality. Gaielle had only rested a mere few minutes before the pains had started again, only more intense. After an examination, the chanter had announced their suspicions to be correct. Gaielle had carried twins, and the second was coming quickly.

"I know it hurts, Elle. Keep swimming. Focus on my face. When the pressure starts, you push, okay? I won't leave you. I will hold your hand and help you. The chanter will catch the baby," Genevieve coaxed. Her eyes were calm and assuring, and the infant across the room reassured her that everything would be fine.

Gaielle was exhausted. After the long labor she was ready to pass out and sleep for an entire moon, but she had more work to do. Angry that Galina was not present, she felt the pain increasing in her stomach again and screamed, bubbles shooting from her mouth and fluttering upward. She tried to keep swimming as Genevieve had told her, but the cramping had her doubled over. She pushed hard, bearing down until she thought she would pass out, and felt the tremendous burning pain vanish as the baby was born. The next thing she knew she was lying on the long, smooth boulder she had designated her bed.

The chanter hovered over her, holding an infant, and Genevieve had a worried look on her face as she looked over the chanter's shoulder. Gaielle blinked a few times, trying to focus her eyes, and pushed herself to a sitting position on the rock. The cries of her newborn were still sounding from across the room, but neither her sister-in-law nor the chanter seemed to notice. She swallowed hard and reached out for the baby, who lay silent in the chanter's arms. Cramping in her stomach made it uncomfortable, but the ache to hold her child outweighed the pain.

"Let me hold her... Is it a her? Did I have a boy or a girl?" Gaielle tried to hide the fear in her voice, but it wavered as she spoke anyway.

"You have two girls, Elle. Two beautiful girls." The chanter relinquished the baby and looked up at Genevieve with a nod.

Gaielle looked down at her perfect, rosy-cheeked baby. Her tiny lips curled into a pout, but she was not crying as her sister was. She had only a small tuft of red hair, but Gaielle was in love. The child looked exactly like her father, freckles and all. She looked up at Genevieve who was scooping up the other baby. When her sister-in-law returned to her side, Gaielle smiled, relieved that they were both okay. The chanter flitted about the reef chamber tidying up things. She carried a net with something in it. Gaielle was certain it was the afterbirth, and she was grateful to the spirits she had passed out for that part.

The look on Genevieve's face was not one of celebration. In fact, the mermaid appeared sullen, or mournful even, and Gaielle couldn't understand why. She had birthed two beautiful babies, and her long, hard pregnancy was over.

"Elle," Genevieve started. "We have to talk."
"Elle, she isn't going to make it."
"She? What do you mean? They are here. They are healthy... I had twins!" Gaielle laughed nervously.

"This one..." She pointed at the baby in Gaielle's arms. "Her gills aren't working well. The chanter said it happens often when mermaids have twins. Her gills aren't working, and she won't survive the night. We must do the merciful thing..."

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