Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Today was the day of the trip and me and his friends were in Justin's Granddad's mini van on the way to the holiday house. His Granddad drove us with Justin in the passengers seat, Michael sitting behind him, with Ethan next to Michael and then matt next to him on the right. Behind that row were the two back seats I sat on to the left and Joe was to my right. "are we there yet?" Justin complained. "not to much longer, you guys better stay well behaved at the house. No big parties!" Justin's Granddad told us. "sure cause a group of teenage boys would never throw a party that would be silly" Justin told him sarcastically. Meanwhile in the backseats I was whispering to Joe. Joe was my boyfriend he was known for being the short tempered, blonde haired, blue eyed boy. He was very attractive lots of people fancied him, sadly for them he only had eyes for me. "we should try and get first pick of the bedrooms" I whispered to him. "why" he replied. "cause we can get up to no good later" I said and smiled and then he got what I meant.

We were driving for another half an hour or so until Justin's Granddad pulled over. "alright guys, you better hurry its starting to get dark out, all you have to do is follow that path just ahead of the car and it will direct you to the house. Here is the key" he assured us giving Justin the key. "how long is the walk?" Joe asked. "well normally around twenty minutes but since you guys have luggage maybe half an hour" he replied. "WHAT! I'm not walking for half an hour in a forrest or woods or whatever its called" I complained loudly. "you'll have to Jake there's no other way to the house by car" Justin's Granddad told me.

We got out the van and started picking up our bags and other luggage and begun walking along the path we was told to follow. "if this mud ruins my shoes I will cry!" I called. "oh what if it gets dark before we get there guys. How cool would that be?" Matt called. "it would not be cool" I replied following everyone as we walked.

It got dark sooner than expected and it was dark before we reached the house. I took Joe's hand as we walked, partly for protection as I felt a little nervous but also to help me walk since it was night and the lights on our phones could only do so much. As we carried on walking we herd a loud bang, "what was that?" I yelled jumping out of my skin. "I'm sure it was something far away lets just keep moving and get to the house. Justin lead the way further until we saw something rush past the path, it was very fast and we didn't see exactly what it was, it could have been a person or an animal but whatever it was it was fast! "OK THATS IT! Were going back!" I yelled. "ok that was scary, what was that thing?" Matt asked sounding nervous. Ethan and Justin managed to persuade us to keep going but to run this time. we ran along the path and did make it to the house eventually. Justin quickly unlocked the door and let everyone inside locking it behind as we entered. "well whatever was outside is gone now, it was probably just an animal of some sort" Michael told us.

We each got a bedroom as we headed upstairs, myself and Joe shared one, Michael and Matt shared and finally Ethan and Justin shared one. They each slept in separate beds apart from myself and Joe who shared one. It was a long day and after travelling and unpacking the six of us just got a fairly early night in bed getting ourselves fully rested for the morning.

The following morning we woke up at a fairly early hour and headed into the town centre with we walked a different path for. To the left of the house was another path into the town. " what a dump" I called as I stared at a run down looking high street. "Jake!" Michael snapped looking like I was really rude. " no its a dump Michael" Matt told him. We walked to a nearby pub that actually looked like it had civilisation inside it. As we entered we saw about five people inside the tiny pub, "look its outsiders!" a man called as everyone stared at us. " well I guess we are" Justin told him. " get out of this place kids" a man called from his table with a beer in his hands. " excuse me" Ethan asked. "shh" The barman replied and then looked at us and spoke again, "he just means cause its really dead here and that you young kids should be in a more popular and vibrant town". "no wait what is wrong?" I asked. "nothing you kids just run along now" The barman told us as he shooed us outside.

After leaving the pub we walked around the town and it was dead, no one was around. The very few people that were in the town looked nervous or were just plain weird. So we walked back to the house, " I don't like it here" I told everyone. "yeah its not what we expected at all" Ethan told us. " my Granddad said the last time he came here this place was buzzing with life with clubs and nightlife. Its just like everything died here" Justin told us.

We each sat around the house watching tv, using our laptops or phones and basically entertained ourselves all day. The evening came soon enough and to be honest it wasn't much like a holiday or mini break it was like being at home. Well right up until we started hearing noises from outside, some bangs similar to last night. "ok what is that? Its the noises from last night!" I cried. " shall we have a look outside?" Matt asked. "let me think, there is a noise coming from outside. Shall I stay inside the house and be safe or explore outside in the dark and die" I said sarcastically. "well I want go so anyone who wants to join me can" Matt told us as him, Ethan and Justin left the house leaving myself, Joe and Michael behind.

The three boys took a look outside lighting up the trees with there phone torches, "what do you think it was?" Ethan asked. "not sure lets split up and have a look around" Justin replied as the boys walked separate ways. Matt begun walking north when he saw a light in the distance, he walked closer to the light wondering what it was. He saw a glowing naked man, he was blonde with bright red eyes, beautiful pale skin, with a perfectly defined and toned body. Of course Matt also could see his penis just hanging in plain view, it was about seven inches so Matt thought. Matt was just stunned looking at the man, "hello sir" he called keeping his eyes locked on him. "I've been waiting for you Matt" the man replied. 

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