Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

" JAKE, JAKE" Joe screamed. " he fell down here!" Michael yelled. " JAKE" Joe shouted banging on the floor. " JAKE OPEN THE LITTLE DOOR" Michael yelled. " JAKE PLEASE" Joe screamed. Michael looked up in fear. "Joe run" he said quietly. "No I'm not leaving him" Joe told him. " RUN" Michael yelled grabbing his hand and pulling him. They both started running and ran not another room, this one was just a corridor. Joe ran into the door on the right and Michael ran into the one on the left. They both just kind of ran, they didn't realise that they ran into a room on their own until they was in it.

Michael was in what seemed to be a library and very very old library. He held his two crosses in his hands ready for a battle, and battle he got. One vampire jump down from the ceiling and received a cross to the head. The naked vampire screamed and fled away quickly. Another came from behind and he also received a cross the the head and he fled away. " COME ON" michael shouted. Not such a good idea I will add, for then four vampire came near him and surrounded him. Michael was out numbered and I think deep down he knew at that Monet that he had just lost this battle, but he was determined to not go down without a good fight. The vampire all sprung at him quickly, but only one received a burn on the head. One vampire sucked his arm another was sucking his leg and the third was sucking his stomach. The forth fled away from being burned. Michael screamed out from the pain but he faint very quickly for the blood was leaving his body three times as fast.

Joe was in a living all alone and then he herd Michael scream, " MICHAEL" he yelled and ran to the door. He was trying to open it but it was locked.

I awoke on the bed I was drained from, I was a little dazed at first but when I got my sight back I saw the naked man staring over me. "Ahh" I screeched. " your one of us now, you will do as the master says, and he wants you to kill your boyfriend" The man explained. " one of you what do you mean?" I asked. " your a vampire as well now and you must obey the master" The man told me. " the master?" I said cluelessly. " follow me" he said.

He walked me to a room and we both walked inside. And in the room I saw several naked men and boys all having sex with each other and this one man sitting on a diamond thrown. He was a blonde haired man, he had gigantic muscles on his arms and legs and the hugest chest I have ever seen. He was sitting in his chair jacking off to the men and boys below him. We started walking past them, " you must bow down to him when you get near him" the man told me. " please I bow down to no one" I told him. " sure and when he kills you your body will hang on the wall on shame" he told me. We approached the "master" so he was called and we bowed for him. " what is it my beautiful ones?" He asked in a really deep voice and still jacking off his huge penis. " this boy is a new vampire and he needs to learn the ways of becoming a vampire" he told the master. " well it's simple, you obey me and you bring in new vampires that are hot if I don't agree I just end them and throw their body into the bin" he said looking into my eyes. I felt slightly frightened I won't lie, he could literally make me do anything he wanted and if I didn't he would kill me. " you wanted him to kill his boyfriend" the man told him. " yes and when you have you dump him for the rule here is no boyfriends or husbands we all have sex with each other" he told me. " what no I love Joe with all my heart" I said then wishing I hadn't said anything. " WHAT" he said loudly. And everyone in the room gasped and fled the room quickly leaving just us two. In a split second he grabbed me by the neck and rammed me against the wall. I realised at that moment that he couldn't suffocate me since I no longer needed to breath. But he was hurting me. " I luckily for you, you have a good looking face because otherwise you would now be dead, if you ever tell me no again you will die... do I make myself clear?" He asked angrily in my face. " yes sir" I said trying to pull his large hand away from my neck. " no when I let go you will change your boyfriend into a vampire or you will die" he said and let go of me and I fell to the floor.

I got up and ran away and some random man showed me to the room Joe was in. " Joe" I yelled. " JAKE" he shouted. " your naked" he called and hugged me. "Your stone cold and pale" he told me in shock. " I'm a vampire and I'm being forced to make you one, and when I do we are not allowed to be together anymore" I told me looking sad. " what... that's crazy we are not breaking up" he told me. " this man who is the master he won't let us have boyfriends and we have to do everything he says he rules all a he will kill any vampire that disobeys him, maybe we could date in secret, but we both may have to sleep with other guys and boys" I explained. " I just want to be with you" Joe told me touching my cold face. " it can't happen not anymore, I will dat you in secret but we have to do as he says when you meet him you will feel the same" I said looking like I was going to cry when I can't since my tear ducts no longer work. " then lets run away you can get us both out of here" Joe told me touching my chest. " I can't... I wish I could but if I don't bite you soon I'm gonna die" I told him. " your heart doesn't even beat" he told me. " stating the obvious" I told him. " if you biting me means we can still be together then do it, I want to spend my life with you" I told me turning his head so I could bite his neck. " I love you" I whispered and sunk my teeth into his neck. He screamed out on pain as I did it and I so badly wanted to stop but I knew it was for the best.

After I drained him he collapsed to the floor. I took his clothes off since he wasn't allowed them and I sat with him until he awoke as a new person. I touched his warm face knowing that he would be cold and pale like me, I liked being warm and Loved being tanned but that's out the window now. I then looked at his body and watched him breath knowing that soon he will stop breathing. I felt bad but felt good at the same time, being a vampire was no great thing it's made out to be great in the films but when you are one it's no prize.

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