Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Matt stood facing the man looking a little confused. "you've been waiting for me... Who are you and why are you naked". The man forward and took hold of Matts face, he begun to kiss passionately. Matt did not back away in fact he was kissing him back, Matt did notice that whilst kissing the strange man that he was ice cold and for some reason glowing but Matt said nothing. In fact Matt felt more like he couldn't say anything like the words couldn't leave his mouth, as if he was under a trance or being controlled. The man held Matt firmly on his shoulders when in one quick swift movement he sunk his teeth into his neck. Matt screamed in pain and struggled to get away.

"MATT" Justin yelled as be bumped into Ethan whilst running. "where's Matt" Ethan yelled. "I don't know but he needs our help" he replied. The two got up and started running around the woods together calling Matt's name and trying to find him. Eventually all they could find was his clothes on the floor. "MATT!" Justin shouted hoping he could hear him. "why are all his clothes on the floor, even his underwear" Ethan asked looking puzzled. "something definitely happened here". "Lets just get back to the house quickly" Ethan told him as he picked up Matt's clothes and rushed back to the house.

Meanwhile back at the house.

" NO GET THAT ONE" I shouted at the tv. " YES SEPARATE THE INJURED ONE FROM THE HERD" I shouted. " calm down Jake" Michael called. " hey that lion has four kids to feed if one adult zebra has to die then so be it" I yelled. When I looked back at the tv the zebra got away. " oh ok... Well done but don't look so smug your gonna bleed to death" I yelled. " your insane" Joetold m and laughed . "well now four baby lions are gonna starve" I told him looking sad. " ok maybe we should change the channel no more animal nature shows" Michael called out. " no way I have to see if that bastard zebra dies or not" I yelled.

All of a sudden the door bangs, " Michael" I call trying to make him answer the door. " ok don't you get up Jake" He told me and answered the door as Justin and Ethan bust in and lock the door. The rest of us jumped out of our skin. " What wrong?" I called. " something has happened to Matt" Justin told me in shock. " WHAT" Michael yelled. " what happened?" Joe asked. " we were looking around and wanted to split up and we did and the next thing we heard was Matt screaming and then we found all his clothes on the floor" Ethan explained in pure panic. " WHAT... OK THAT'S IT WERE LEAVING" I shouted. " NO WE CAN'T LEAVE" Ethan yelled. " why?" I yelled in panic. " we will have to walk through the woods, and if we do we may end up like Matt, we have to stay here until the morning and then we can go into town and get some help" Ethan explained. " ok that's fine we can do that can't we?" Michael asked the group. " I can't I'm to scared whatever it was or whoever it was that got Matt could break into the house" I yelled panicking. Joe put his arms around me and tried to calm me down even though he was rather nervous himself. " Jake it's ok your safer in the house than outside it" Joe explained. " everyone calm down we can make it through the night" Justin told us all. " lets all keep it together and we will get help tomorrow morning" Ethan explained.

That night when we were going to bed I kept close to Joe in the covers, Whilst Justin, Michael and Ethan shared a room. " you still awake?" Joe asked with his arms around me. " of course how can I sleep?" I told him. " just try, I'm here for you, I won't let anyone touch you" he explained. " thanks and of course I will try to protect you too" I told him. " we are all going to protect each other, just remember tomorrow morning will be fine and this will all be resolved".

It was a long night a very long night none of us got much sleep we got very few hours. But morning came and we all got up around 7am. We got ready and we left to walk to the town at 8am.

We walked into the pub to ask for help. " hey you, you said he needed to leave well our friend is missing, we found his clothes on the floor we don't know what has happened if he was attacked or kidnapped or dead" Ethan yelled walking up to the bartender. Everyone gasped in the pub which was about five people. " ok I guess for your own safety you should know" he told us. " sit down and I will explain" He said. We all took at seat at the bar and looked at the man for he was going to tell us a story.

" Well for centuries there has been some monster in the town but no one has even seen it, and about two hundred years ago this town was thriving with people until it became noticeable that men and teenage boys were disappearing, people started moving out of town but most people couldn't afford to move so they were forced to stay here. About 50 years later the many women decided to fight whatever this monster was, at 1am one lady saw a man pressed against a wall screaming. The other man who had him against the wall was naked. The lady screamed and rang her bell she had with her and yelled for help. Several women and even some men gathered around this naked man. He turned around blood was dripping from his mouth and his eyes were bright red. So the legend says that he attacked every single person against him that night, every woman was killed and any men that wanted to fight him was taken away. People now believe that the naked man was a vampire, and many scientists have come here to study this so called vampire and refused to help us escape but have given us advice and knowledge. They believe this vampire is gay since he only bites males and they believe no matter what your sexuality is, you become gay once bitten, you could hate gays so much but if you were bitten you would still become gay. No one knows where the men and other boys are. The advice they gave was never leave your house at night, lock all doors and windows pull all the curtains shut and keep a weapons near you" he explained to us.

"Is that really true?" Justin asked looking like he didn't know whether to believe the man or not. " yes you kids need to get away from here now" The man told us. " right I'm off" I said getting up from my seat, " hold on Jake, we need to call my grandad" Justin explained. " ok then call him now" I ordered. " good luck calling him, no signal here every time someone fixes the cables they destroyed that night, so everyone leaves them now" the man explained. " then how do we get away from here" Joe asked. "I don't know, but your safe inside your house if you do all those things I said, everyone that has done all those things has never been attacked in their home" the man explained. " great so we have to stay here for another five days, until my grandad comes and picks us up" Justin yelled. " look do everything I said and you will be fine".

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