
Walking along the deserted streets of seoul, looking for a isolated place for his group to set up camp, any sign of water , food or shelter , his wide eyes scanning the dusty road and making sure his mask was securely on before proceeding. In the corner of his eye he spots a figure stumble to the ground,  instinctively wanting to rush over and help them but due to the situation he treds with caution towards them .

"Hey , are u alright " kyunsoo shouted from a distance  to which the fugure didn't reply , kyungsoo decides to go and tend to them . In some what of an attempt to claim their attention to help , the body suddenly leaped towards kyungsoo and pining him to the floor .kyungsoo struggled to keep the inhuman being of him but its strength was a level beyond kyungsoos.

He stares into the creaturs blood shot eyes almost as if staring at death , suddenly the weight above him collapses to the side leaving kyungsoo to scramble away , eyes glued to the lifeless corpse in fear.

Light footsteps approached the cowering boy on the floor . Kyungsoo felt a sudden weight on his shoulders causing him to jult with shock.

The stranger crouched down next to the smaller  boy and asked "hey are you ok?" His voice was deep which sent a shiver down kyungsoos back, he didn't answer just stared into the giants eyes trying to figure out were he had seen him befor.  The strangers eyes smiled at kyungsoo and whiped his eyebrow of blood . Kyungsoo felt calm around the giant , he almost felt at home but didn't know why . 

"Have i seen you  befor , i feel as if i have but im not sure , i might just be being stupid to think but i cant help but wonder . " kyungsoo asked as the tall boy stood up pulling kyungsoo up lightly by his arm .  The  giant laughed, his deep voice sending qivers down kyungsoos spine . "Do u not remember me hah , its chanyeol ...uh my name , chanyeol "

Kyungsoo looked blank , searching for chanyeol in his mind, his face lights up . "Yeah chanyeol , hahaha channie,  i remember " .

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around kyungsoo and ruffled his hair . "Dyo ah , come back to my camp with me , im sure leader kris would be fine with it "

Kyunsoo riggled out of chans arms and fixed his hair, "urm well i would but i have to go back to my own camp " .

"Well i could come back to your camp with you , dyo ah  please this is the first iv seen of you forever,  it be nice " the tall one pleaded.

"Well i dont see why not and i rly owe you for what you did back there chan,  id be a gone man if it wernt for you ...thank you" kyunsoo said looking up at chanyeol with eyes full of gratitude .


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