"Ahh dyo ah , how much longer is it till we get to your camp , it feels like we have been walking for hours" the tall one moaned.

"Look its just around here ok " kyunsoo said shortly ,keeping his eye on the narrow path infront . "Ok , the camps in the forrest just here "the trees long overgrown and making difficult for the tall one to get through as easily "but it doesn't mean its totally safe in here ok so keep an eye out , we haven't had any problems so far but ...just dont get to relaxed" kyunsoo finnished  as the trees started to become less tangled with themselves , chanyeol stretched his back and could finally stand up straight. 

The two walked a little further, climbing over the fallen trees that were in their way till they came to a small clearing ocupied with 5 other people .  Kyungsoo took in a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh "ahh so ..this is it , my camp ".  Chanyeols eyes wonderd around,  fixating on each persons features.  two people sat around what appeard to be a small table , one had blonde hair ... no more like white hair , his face was pale but not in an ill way , he had a healthy glow to him , even in this situation, he was wearing a probably what used to be cream shirt and some black ripped jeans exposing a few wounds still in the healing process. The other boy sat across from him had black hair , his eyes were droopy and his ears were a feature that stood out, chanyeols eyes moved to what he was wearing wich  to exposed his arms but there was a jacket tied around his feminine figure.

Chanyeols attention was drawn over to two blonde haird boys sat closely talking and enjoying eachothers company well , they were sat near the other two boys . Chanyeol spotted another boy , he was sat alone,  his hair could have been black or brown but the shadows of the trees confused his vision , his skin was considerably darker compared to the white haird boy ,but his skin was rather pale . He sat afar from the other four, his body was hunched over leaning on his knees , but his face was calm which put chanyeol at ease. 

Chanyeol looked at kyungsoo "so , can u introduce me dyo " ,

"Oh yeh sure " kyunsoo pointed to the first two chanyeol had studied , "this is suho and baekhyun " he then moved over to the two blond boys "ok this is luhan and sehun " then finally he pointed at the last "this is jongin, dont worrie he isn't  annoyed,  he just didn't want me to go out alone so hes sulking hah " .  "Oh ok soo can u introduce me now " chanyeol asked , sounding consurnd why their still stood behind a tree, "oh " kyunsoo nodded and pulled chanyeol behind him into the middle of the camp .

Everyones heads turned to the two , the one named suho walked up to kyungsoo "d.o , who's this , hes not infected is he , d.o ? " he asked with a little tension in his voice.  "No dont worrie leader , hes ok he had his mask on , ...and he saved my life , so lets treat him well " kyunsoo said calm and respectfull , suho patted kyungsoo on the shoulder and tured to chanyeol and smiled , chanyeol replied with a small bow and a smile back . "So you ...?" "Oh chanyeol , my names chanyeol " , "ah , so you chanyeol , did you realy save our d.os life"?  The leader asked .  "Well yes i did but im sure he had it under control with out me haha "  chanyeol said smiling at kyungsoo. 

"Haha thank you chanyeol , eat with us tonight wont you " luhan said looking at his leader for aprovel but chanyeol butted in "urm actually my camp might get worried if i dont come back " ,  "you have another camp !" Baekhyun said with excitment in his voice,  "baek sit down " suho said in wich the boy sat down over by jongin and looked like a sad puppy . " if you have another camp we should meet up and make a bigger camp " luhan suggested to suho . Sehuns hand tugged on luhans shirt "i dont think thats a good idea , i like our camp now , what if his leadrrs bad " he whisperd , "look im sure hes fine , chanyeols nice aswell,  plus its boring here all the time and they might have more food so cmon dont be like this ok " luhan said with cold reasurence .  "Okay so its decided,  when night falls we will follow chanyeol to his camp and join groups , its best for our safety and health "  leader suho states to the rest with excitment in his voice that hadn't been there for a while .

Kyungsoo was sat on his own , looking at the trees but his train of thaught was often disturbed by the laughter of the others , especially leader and chanyeol. His nose and lips were cold but the mask he was wearing isnt exactly designed for warmth purposes, he put his hands over his face and felt the warmth of his breath dance over his skin , but  his hands sufferd from this and got cold due to  the absence from being in his pockets . As he pulled his hands away he felt the log he was sitting on move , his eyes looked over at the  lanky boy , kyungsoo said nothing, just shiverd. Chanyeols hand searched for the zip on his bag and pulled out a huge fluffy red scarf , kyungsoo expected chanyeol to wear it but the giant stretched out the scarf to its full length and rapped it around kyungsoos neck , it was soo big it coverd his cold nose and ears and instantly blocking out the cold harsh air .chanyeol was always there to block out the coldness in kyungsoos life as kids so it was nice having him back . Chanyeol laughed at the small boy , the scarf nearly made his shoulders invisible "hahaha aw this really suits you haha , you looked cold before so i hope this helps anyway " he said with a big grin on his face , kyunsoos big eyes smiled back leaving chanyeol wishing he could see his friends mouth , he misses his friends smile , its been gone from his life for such along time but he never forgot what it looked like .

Chanyeol felt a weight on his shoulder, his eyes spotted kyungsoo,  the smaller boy was leaning on him , his eyes shut and he let out a sigh "im tired channie so ill sleep for a little , just keep talking if u want , your voice is nice " he said getting comfy . Chanyeol smiled to himself,  as he looked down at the sleepy boy . "Remember that place i found in the woods ,  when we were young . Remember all the trees and branches covering this hollow space underneath,  haha you didn't know what it was at first but you made it ours ,   you made it our fort , the space that was only ours. " his voice was warm and calming , the sudden lack of it going into kyungsoos ears caused the boy to let out a moan "carry on chan " . Chanyeols voice carried on eventually sending kyunsoo to sleep .

4/10/15Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon