I can feel the Sun whenever you're near

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Katya POV

Sunday 9:45 am, when I woke up Trixie was already looking at me and I'm sure I know what she wants.

"Good morning angel" - she almost didn't let me finish the sentence because she immediately lay on top of me with her head on my chest, we must have stayed like that for a long time, just enjoying each other's presence and I could live like this forever.

"We can't stay in bed all day" - I kissed her on the forehead and got out of bed. After brushing my teeth I was going to do my yoga when my wife hugged me from behind and said softly in my ear

"You didn't give me a good morning kiss" - she continued to hug me, so I quickly turned around and left her a kiss on the nose that was quickly replaced by a soft toothpaste-flavored kiss

After doing my morning yoga I felt lighter, when I got to the kitchen I saw Trixie giving me a cup of coffee like she does almost every day but it always has a different flavor, which I drink while thinking about how happy I am to have her with me

"I love you" - I said calmly

"Do you love me because I make you coffee every day?" - she gave a hysterical laugh and I couldn't help smiling and laughing too

"Maybe..." - I started talking and she sat on my lap with her arms around my neck and her head on my shoulder "You know Trixie without you I had done a lot of crazy shit. But look at us we left an apartment boring in LA, to an incredible house in Hollywood all with our effort to make all our dreams come true, yours to release an album and mine to see you happy by my side. I am grateful to you that you are my life "- after my little speech we were silent until she looked at me and said

"That was the most lesbian thing I've ever heard, we are so cliché" she gave another hysterical laugh that made me smile in agreement "But I love you so much more, love"

While I finished washing the dishes for breakfast Trixie called me in the living room and I went to her

"Look what I found and that we never saw" - she showed me a DVD that the cover was we in our marriage "It's our wedding video" - she completed

"There is a reason why we never saw him, angel is going to be very cringe"

"We got married 5 months ago, I already miss that day, let's see" - she asked and I smiled in agreement. When she put it on television she laid her head on my lap

The first scene to appear on television was me entering my white lace dress accompanied by my father who was more nervous than me, before he returned to his place he gave me a kiss on the forehead and straightened my braid. Next was Trixie's entrance with her huge princess dress

"Do you remember the problem with taking off your dress?" I remembered the scene where the clasp got stuck and almost tore your lace lingerie for the wedding night "I just wanted to fuck with you and show off my lace lingerie and pearls" she gave a cheeky laugh "But sex was good "i said" the sex was very good "she agreed with me

The next scene, none of us spoke, because we were too focused on the votes and how they are being carried out in the best possible way, when I looked at Trixie again she was smiling at me and shook my hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek

The last scene on the DVD is our first dance together and I can only think of how many rehearsals we had for it not to be as bad as it was "We weren't that bad" - she said "It could have been worse", when the film ended we we were silent for a while "I regret we didn't get married earlier" - I revealed to her "This was the happiest day of my life, Katya" she looked me in the eye "Mine too" I kissed her and we spent our Sunday hugging, like every Sunday since 8 years ago

As always, vote for the story, comment and please will see the other stories on my profile. xx

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