Henry x Charles (part 1)

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(This is after the "Special BROvert
Ops") there is a slight mention of sexual thoughts so be awear of that.

(Charles POV)

Its been 4 months since me and Henry started working full time together, and all this time together has made me start feeling....unusual feelings. Its gotten to a point where i cant even look at him without my heart skiping a beat.

The truck came to a stop and me and Henry jumped out, this was gonna be the last mission me and Henry do for awhile, after this we have a mandatory break since we've been on non stop missions. "Ok lets just charge right into they're records room, in and out", i nodded and kept my eyes on our target. Henry stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder. His body was almost pressed against mine, my mind immediately went to the gutter. My body started to heat up and my face went red. My mind filled with......unpure thoughts...

"And...go!", before i could register what Henry said he took off towards the records room, i tried following after him but someone noticed me. "Now!", someone called before a small explosion set off just behind me. I was knocked off my feet. "Charles!", Henry quickly helped me to my feet. "Are you alright?", i nodded and Henry grabbed my hand and started leading my to the closest building, Henrys hand was rough and had scars covering them from his past work. I wonder what they would feel like wraped around my- no stop your on a mission god damit!

We entered the unlocked building and closed the door behind us. Henry sat me down and examined me for any injuries. Once he noticed i was find he started looking around, i stood up and looked out the window, the small group of criminals were now on full guard and looking everywhere for us.

My eyes widend as i notice 2 of them were headed straight to our building. "Uh, Henry, we have a problem", Henry grabbed my head and pulled my into the broom closet. We closed the door just in time, the two criminals started searching the room. I could feel my face heating up again, Henrys body was pressed up against my again, one of his hands were on my waist the other on the door, his head was right next to mine i was close enough that i could feel his breath on my ear. Each slow,calm breath he took sent a shiver down my spine.

"Shit, we might have to abandon the mission", Henry whispered in my ear. I felt my pants tighten as my mind fell deeper into the gutter. I started fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt, when one of the criminals started walking over to us Henry pulled me closer to him. "Stay quiet", he whisper, another chill ran down my spine. I nodded and Henry moved the hand that was on the door over to the handle.

The doorknob started to rattle and Henry held it in place. My mind was racing between the fact that my body was now pressed up against Henrys in a way iv fantasized for months, and the fact that on the other side of this door was most likely certain death. "You alright, your shaking an awful lot", i nodded again, for a guy who never talks, Henry seems to be talking a lot more then me. Henry wraped the arm that was on my waist all around my body "You dont have to worry, ill protect you no mattet what", the person on the other side stoped. "I think its locked, do you have a key?", a couple seconds passed. "No? didnt think so, lets go ask Chris if he has one", we heard a door open and close. Henry leaned forward and looked out the small window, my breath hitched, it took everything in me not to give into the temptation.

"Alright they're gone, lets leave while we have the chance", Henry opened the door and removed his arm from my waist. We quickly made our way back to the truck, undetected. We sat in the back as the truck started moving. By the time we were sitting comfortly the truck was going top speed.

"Hey Charles?", i humed in response, "Are you....uh....are you m-mad at me", for the first time in a while i actualy looked him in the eyes. "W-what? No o-of course not!", Henry scratched the back his my neck. "R-really, cause you've kinda been avoiding me", my heart droped. Did it really seem like that? "I-shit Henry, i-i didnt mean to, i just...", my face started to heat up again as the adrenaline wore off and my thoughts came back. "I-i-i just... ugh", i locked eyes with Henry and finally gave into the temptation.

I grabbed Henry by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. He placed a hand on the back of my head and deepened the kiss, we both pulled away for air, a string of saliva connecting us together. "So, thats why you've been ignoring me?", i nodded, "I thought you would reject me...", Henry smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Well i hope iv set those thoughts to rest", i smiled back. "Yah,but now theres only one thing on my mind...", he tilted his head, "And what would that be?", i gave him a sadistic smirk. "Well, you'll just have to wait to find out", i pulled him closer and kissed him again. He pulled away for a minute "Oh....ohhh".

Word count: 956
A/N so the next part will be smut soooo-or well at least my attempt at smut.

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