Henry x Charles {AU}

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Be More Chill AU!!! Yay!!
(Also i know his name is Reginald i just keep forgetting to put the "d" at the end) Btw if your confused on how this works its pretty much the Henry Stickmin characters are acting in the roles as the BMC characters. Ill make sense when you start reading i promise.

Trigger warning: slight slurs to the LGBTQ+ community (d*ke, f*g, and homo-yes that is offensive to some)

(Charles POV)

Me and Henry sat on the Pac-man themed bean bag chairs i had at the end if my bed. Its been about 4 months since the sqiup incident and the school had mostly forgot about the events. We were speading our friday the way we usualy do: weed and video games. My moms didnt really cared that i smoked, as long as me and Henry stayed in the basement while we were high. We listened, for the most part....that is intill we got hungry or bored....which was very often.

I was wearing dark blue jeans and my regular-oversized red hoodie, it took me about 7 months to collect all my patches. My favorite was a rainbow one Henry got me for Valentines day last year, he gave it to me as a joke but i ended up coming out as gay a month later. Ironic huh.

Right now, i was extremely high. Like cant even stand up high. I dropped my head into Henrys lap, at this point i wasnt paying attention to what was going on in the game. I stared up at Henry as he stayed focused an the game, trying to finish the level without me.

Iv had a crush on Henry for awhile now, but iv never had the guts to tell him. Henry paused the game, he smirked and looked down at me, "Why do you insist on playing games if your just gonna get high half way through?", i knew he was playing around. "Cause its fun to watch you play", i dont really have control over what i say when im high.And it can get really embarrassing some times. I once told Henry about my yaoi collection because he asked me what kind of books i read. He still hasnt let me live that down.

He chuckled, "Well at least let me change it to some single player", he lightly pushed me so i was sitting back up in my bean bag chair. He changed the game and sat back down he put his hands up signalling me to put my head back down. I layed my head back down in his lap.

I wanted to tell him i really did but......he liked Ellie and, well, im not Ellie.

(Time skip to monday)

Alright Charlie you got this! Today was the day, the day i was gonna tell Henry! I opened the door to the school, the halls were loud, as usual. I had "Is This Love" playing on my white oversized headphones. I walked through the halls with confidence....until i bumped into Reginald.

"Sup homo", i sighed as Regie walked up beside me and pulled of my headphones. "What do you want Reg", i asked in an annoyed tone. "You confessing to Henry today", he put his arm around me like he didnt bully me for 3 years straight. "Why?", he got me a kinda of worryed look but then gave me one of his fake ass smirks and walked off. "J-just asking", alright thats.....weird. I kept walking down the hall, Henry was talking to Ellie, i lost a bit of my confidence. Ellie waved good bye and Henry turned his attention over to me.

We kept walking "-Then apparently Zoe hooked up with Alana after the party! And now Jennas starting to tell everyone thats Zoes gay! And Connor is like beyond pissed!", Henry continued on. We passed by another set of lockers and my heart droped. We stoped in front of a locker that had "Dyke" and "Fag" written all over it. And all at once i lost all the confidence i originally had.

Henry put his hand on my shoulder "you ok dude", i quickly nodded. I had forgot about how many people at our school were Homophobic. Reginald came out as bi after the whole Squip incident, but because hes popular he got away with it. For people like me and Zoe, if you come out, your just about done for.

That night we decided to go to the mall to hang out. I still wanted to tell Henry how i felt, but all my confidence was long gone. Henry walked up beside me resting his arm on my shoulder, "Wow, you actually shop here?", he asked in a playful tone. "Yes, yes i do, you have a problem with that?", i smirked and looked up at him. His bright blue eyes meet mine and i could feel my face heating up.

Henry grabed the closest shirt to his left, it was a pale pink shirt with 'boys do cry' and a bunch of other edgy designs on it. "Omg, i need to see you wear this", he said with a slight giggle. "I...uh a-actualy own that-that shirt at h-home", i muttered quietly. Henrys grin only seemed to grow more at this. We ended up leaving soon after, Henry had found an Eminem shirt and started having a panic attack in the middle in a hot topic, so we left and went to get frozen yogurt and calm down.

Ok, this is it, Henrys calmed down, were alone and were practically on a date. Just tell him. "H-hey uh Hen-Henry", i sat across from Henry at one of the tables. "Yah? Is everything alright?", i looked down at my frozen yogurt. "Y-yah, its just", i looked back up at Henry, his expression was soft and worried. I felt my face heat up again, i took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "I-im.... im...... iminlovewithyouHenry", i said the last part quickly in hopes i wouldn't hear me.

He looked at me with a surprised look. Well.....at least he heard me..... "Ch-Charles i-", he started but i quickly cut him off. "I know you like Ellie and that your like a 100% stright and that your probably weired out that your best friend like-no sorry loves you. And i like totally understand if you dont wanna talk to me or if you just wanna forget about this i just sit on the side lines when the love of my life tries to flirt with someone else. Is it weired im saying 'i love you' is it too soon. Why havent you cut me off yet and why are you smiling at me like that", i ranted on.

Henry had a huge smile plastered on his face. "Sorry, your rants are just really cute", Henry wiped away a few tears i didn't even realized had fallen. "Of course i like Ellie, but....i like you too...and i clearly dont have a chance with Ellie so...", i stared in owe as Henry took my hand in his. "So wanna go on a real date soon?", i stayed speechless. I didnt know what to say, i was so sure Henry would reject me. "I-i-i...i didnt plan this far", Henry chuckled. "Then let me plan the date, all you have to do is agree", i smiled. "Well, yah of course!", i said excitingly. "Great! I promise you'll love it!".

Word Count: 1269

A/N wow this is a longer one, i literly had to stop myself- i could write about this AU for HOURS. Anyway for my musical fans- should i make a DEH (more specificly Treebros) au, with Burt as Connor and Dave as Evan? (i might put Sven as Miguel)

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