Burt x Sven [AU]

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(Dear Evan Hansen AU)
* Evan- Dave Panpa
* Jared- Rupert Price
* Connor- Burt Curtis
* Miguel- Sven Svensson

(If you don't know who Miguel is he's Connors best friend- he's only mentioned in the book, which means there will be spoilers to the book)

This is gonna be angst btw

(Burt's POV)

I absent-mindedly tapped my pen against my desk. Today was.....less then great, I didn't want to be here, I wanted to stay home, I should have just listened to my gut. I brushed a piece of hair out of my face, ill admit, its gotten pretty long, I haven't cut it since.....never mind.

I walked into the cafeteria, already regretting listening to my mother. I walked in between 2 people having a conversation. "Love the new hair length", I herd one of the kids mumble, "Very school-shooter chic", I bring my body to a full stop. I turn and glare at in between the 2 kids. I didn't say anything, just stared. The one with glasses spoke up "I was kidding, it was a joke", I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yeah, no, it was funny", I said sarcastically, "I'm laughing. Cant you tell?", all the confidence left his body. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?", he let out a nervous laugh. "Your such a freak", he says before darting off. The other boy starts quietly laughing, "What the fuck are you laughing at?", he freezes up. "Stop fucking laughing at me", he already stopped, I don't even know why I said that.
"I'm not", his voice was shaky.
"You think I'm a freak?"
"No. I didn't-"
"I'm not the freak", I raised my voice a bit. "I didn't-", I finally snapped. "Your the fucking freak!", I shoved him to the ground and immediately regretted it.

The bell rang and instead if going to my next class I decide to go to the computer lab and play on my phone. When I got there the same kid from before-the one I shoved-was sitting at one of the computers talking on the phone. I ignored him and sat at the computer closest to the printer. I didn't actually play any games, I just sat there and looked at him, I don't know why but I felt...bad. The printer jolted to life and spat out a single piece of paper. I waited for someone to come get it, but no one moved.

I pulled the paper out the printer and scanned the page, my eyes landed on the name Dave Panpa, I only just noticed that me and that kid were the only people in here. I walked up to him.

I ended up signing his cast and yelling at him for a second time- this time I didn't regret it. I stormed out the school, not being bothered by the time. I couldn't do this anymore. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, threating to fall. Ever since he's been gone I haven't been able to see the good in things.

I unlocked the door, thankful my mother wasn't home. I stormed upstairs, my I got to my bed my legs gave out. I sobbed on the floor with my face buried into the side of my bed. I stayed there for awhile just crying, i spent the entire summer holding it in, all this pain, and now, it finaly became to much.

I stood up and acted on instinct, I could feel my body moving but I couldn't stop it. I grabbed an almost full pill bottle from the cabinet, and left for the park down the street. The walk seemed longer then it really was, it felt like I was high, like I was floating. It reminded me of him.

I sat under a tree, not to far from the entrance and pulled out my phone. I texted one of the only numbers in my phone.

Burt: I miss you

I waited, for those 3 dots to show up, for that seen to show up under my message. I waited for at least an hour, then it showed up. Those 3 dots.

(Sven's POV)

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I was in the middle of my shift, it wasn't a particularly long shift, but it felt like it was dragging on forever. I waited an hour before finaly pulling my phone out my pocket, it had been awhile since I had seen that name pop up on my screen, Burt❤, even after parting ways I kept that heart beside his name.

Burt❤: I miss you

My stopped for a minute, I had been waiting for those words since spring, and now, they were finally here, sitting on my screen. I went to type my reply, 

Sven: I miss you too Burt

The 3 little dots poped up almost imedietly. 

Burt❤: where are you rn

Burt❤: are u doing anything

I could feel my heart skip a beat, this was my chance. To get back what I had lost. I could finally find out why he ran out on me that day, i could even find out about those scars...

Sven: im at home and no im not why

I dont like lying to him but if hes texting me, theres gotta be a reason, and i dont want him thinking im to busy for him. 

Burt❤: come to ellison park

Burt❤: im by the entracne 

Burt❤: please

Please, that took me a bit of guard, i usualy have to beg him if i want to hang out anywhere besides my house. I thought for a minute, Ellison park was the one just down the road, maybe 10 minutes if you walk fast. I looked around for someone who could cover my shift, then it hit me, Reginald. Reginald was the only one who knew about mine and Burt's history, he knew how i felt and what we've done together, the only thing he didnt know was why we stoped talking. And to be honest, i didnt know either, when he ran out i called after him but he just ignored me... i didnt try contacting him after that, i tried giving him space, give him time to think it over. But... he never called, or texted, or anything, he just kinda.... disapered. 

Sven: ill be there in 10

"Hey Regie", he humed in response, not looking up from his phone, lunch rush was long over and there was berly anyone in the resteront. "Do you think you could cover for me for a bit?", he looked around the almost empty room. "For how long?", i shrugged. "An hour maybe 2", he looked down at his phone "Alright, but if you ditch me i wont hesitate to tell Terrence", i nodded and quickly threw on a jacket and ran out the door.

I walked as fast as i could, my mind flooded with worry as i thought of all the reasons he would text me that. i miss you. I dont know what was going through his mind, and it scared me. I reached the park after about 5 minetes and my eyes imedetly landed on him. He sat under a tree not to far from the entrace, he held his phone tight with one hand while a pill bottle rested in the other. His eyes were red and he still had tears rolling down his face, in the 3 years iv known him, i dont think iv ever seen him cry.

I slowly steped towards him, he imedetly noticed, his entire body tensed up as he saw me. "Hey dude, its uh been awhile", he quickly stuffed the pill bottle into his pocket. "Hey", I sat down beside him. "So...are you going to tell me or do i have to pry it out of you", he glanced over at me before looking down. "Can we just....sit here for a bit?", i nodded. "Of course", my voice was just above a whisper. 

We sat there, under that tree, for about an hour. Burt's head droped onto my shoulder, "I cant do this anymore Sven, all this... shit....i cant do it anymore, it hurts", he sobbed into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him closer, "It's ok...its ok Burt, im here...you dont have worry anymore...im here", he intertiwned are fingers. "Please dont leave me...i need you here... please just...stay....Sven... please", god he sounds so helpless. "Im not going anywhere...i promise".

We stayed there for anouther hour or two waiting for the sun to go down, no wanting to leave each others embrase. "I...im sorry for running out on you Sven...i was just...scared you would leave me when you found out how...broken i was", Burt mumbled as he looked me in the eyes. "If-for some reason you still....love me....do you want to pick up where we left off", i smiled, "As long as we can finally put a label on it, then yes", he brought our foreheads together. "Boyfriends?", i chuckles slightly, "Boyfriends", i said before leaning in for a long awaited kiss. 

Word count: 1504

A/N sorry i havent updated in awhile  i got really behind on work and lost all motivation to write, but i finished my english class and im starting drama (my favorite subject-im a theather kid) tomorow so i might be able to get more updates out soon- but i wouldnt count on it, i get distracted easily. Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this, the dear evan hansen novel is my favorite book and i find it so sad that Miguel wasnt in the musical.

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