Chapter 1- Too much to handle

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I slowly open my eyes to see Cedric at the end of my bed I blind a couple times to make sure it's him and not my imagination. I realize it's him and sit up, "Gah! you don't have to sit there like a boggart say something!" I practically scream at him. He smiles his kind smile "Good morning Jules" he practically sang  I glared at him, he knew I hated being called jules but I let him because well he's my best friend and trying to control your best friend is like trying to control a werewolf.

"Why are you here?" I ask him bluntly "Don't you remember? Today's the day we go to the World Quidditch Match " he gleamed "Cedric? Honey..." I smile sweetly "GET OUT! I DON'T HAVE A BRA ON!" I scream at him he turned and ran he almost ran into the door on his way out. I giggled "thank you!" I screamed to him. I got off my bed and walked to my dresser flying open the doors my hand immediately goes to my cheek thinking.

Before I realize it my house elf  Dunie was by my dresser trying to help me pick out my clothes . "Mistress Julia, I over heard Mr. Cedric say he liked the red underwear you have" Dunie said calmly . My cheeks immediately went bright red "I knew he went through my dresser" I whispered under my breath I chuckled and picked out a Caramel colored short dress with a pair of white low top converse.

I thanked Dunie for her help and made my way down the stairs to see Cedric eating breakfast with my mom cooking. I smirk sitting down next to Cedric I see his cheeks go pink. My mom gives my my breakfast, and I start to eat slowly "Oh Cedric it's so lovely to see you back at the house I know Julia has missed you since you've been off at Quidditch camp. " i give her an angry look which means stop talking. I finish eating quickly, me and Cedric go to the front of my house where Mr. Amos meets us

"How lovely of you to come Julia, Cedric would have been bored without you" I smile and thank him for letting me come. We make our way to the clearing, Mr. Amos said we are waiting for someone. Cedric made his way up the tree "Cedric! What are you doing??" I yell to him "climbing! you should join!" He yells back I shake my head "No! I'm wearing a dress!" I scream, he shrugs and continues to climb until we hear muffled yelling.

I see the weasleys , Harry Potter, and Hermione granger "Arthur! It's about time son." Mr. Amos yells "Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start, This is Amos Diggory everyone, works with me at the ministry."Arthur pronounced I smile at them "This strapping lad must be Cedric, am I right? And you must be Julia Bell" Arthur said I nod politely  "Yes sir. this way" Cedric started walking down the clearing me next to him.

After some time on top of the hill " it's ah just over there " Mr. Amos said we continue walking to the top of the hill "Shall we?" Arthur spoke trying to catch his breath "Oh yeah. We don't want to be late." Amos said making his way up "come on any day now" Arthur said to the rest of them "get yourself in a good position" Amos said "why are they all standing around that mankey old boot?" Harry asked

" That isn't just any mankey old boot, mate it's a portkey." One of the Twins responded "time to go!" Amos yelled "Whats a portkey?" Harry asked we were all touching the boot "Ready? After three. One. Two." Amos said "Harry!" Arthur yelled I giggled "three!" The shoe started spinning and most of us screamed someone started cheering I don't remember who "Let go kids" Amos said "What?" Hermione said shocked "let go!" Amos said we all let go and started screaming again we all groaned smacking the floor.

Cedric, Amos and Arthur came down smoothly. I glared at Cedric and he gave me a smile. "I bet that cleared your sinuses" Amos said " total shambles as per usual" we all got up Harry thanked Cedric for the hand we all started walking up the hill "Well kids welcome to the quidditch World Cup!" Arthur said we all stood in awe of what was before us "keep up girls!" Arthur said as I was walking with Hermione and Ginny through the crowd. I rushed next to Cedric

A lion and a badger (A Cedric Diggory story) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now