Chapter 2- I kissed Cedric Diggory!

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And now it was the girls turn, the men came in with staffs banging the floor rythomly. I could feel cedrics eyes on me. The boys were doing some sort of dance I couldn't comprehend. They also started dancing as well. "Oh my it's him victor krum" Ron said turning around back to us. One made something with fire I wasn't paying too much attention.

"For this reason, the ministry seemed fit to oppose a new rule, to explain all this head of the department Bartimous crouch" Dumbeldore finished as there was lightening or magic that erupted I saw someone behind one of the professors. It was thundering and lightening was above us. The new professor raised his wand and shot it at the ceiling making it go dark. We all calmed as the professor out his wand away.

"That's him mad eye moody" I heard Ron say "Alastair moody, the auror " Hermione corrected him "auror ?" dean asked "dark wizard catcher, got himself in Azkaban if you know what I mean, he's supposed to be Madder then a hatter these days" Ron told Harry. All the professors were staring at Mad eye moody as if he was crazy which I believe he is.

Mad eye went down to dumbeldore, he had a limp to his walk they shook hands "ahh my dear old friend, thanks for coming" dumbeldore said politely "fix the stupid ceiling" I heard mad eye say I heard a thank you from dumbeldore as well. Mad eye backed into the corner and drank something out of his flask. "What do you say he's drinking you suppose?" I heard Seamus ask "I don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice" Harry said oddly I nodded in agreement.

It had been a few days since the two schools came to Hogwarts. I must say I am curious where they are staying but I know better then to ask questions. it was lonely without Cedric I'm so use to having him around it's odd to be without him these few days. I'm sitting in the great hall watching the people put their names in the goblet hoping to get chosen. Everyone was clapping for the people putting it in. His friends pushed Cedric into the middle to put his name in. I was sitting doing my work for charms when I saw him.

He put it in and there were claps he looked at me with those beautiful eyes he has and waited for me to applause. I didn't I simply stared he smiled at the cup then walked away. I went back to my homework when Cedric got away from his friends and sat next to me. "Do you need something?" I shot at him coldly not bothering to look up from my work. "You haven't spoken to me in a while." He said smoothly expecting me to fall at his feet I took a deep breath "I have nothing to say to you." I said patient

I looked at him like really looked at him, sure he was gorgeous but he had a kind heart. "Well I have something to say to you" he shot back. He shoved a note into my hands. "What is this?" I ask upset "read it please" the way he said please hit me hard it hurt harder then any words he's ever said to me before. Now I really realize he isn't mine and he never will be. I shove the note into my robe and I pack up my stuff "Good bye Cedric" I say cool and I walk back to the Gryffindor common room heartbroken.

"Alastair Moody ex auror, ministry malcontent, and your new defense against the dark arts teacher, I'm here because dumbeldore asked me end of story goodbye the end" he said harshly it and startling "any questions?" The class was silent no questions none at all "when it comes to the dark arts I believe in a practical approach first which of you can tell how many unforgivable curses there are" he standoffish "three sir" Hermione said nervous "they are named?" He asked while writing on the chalk board

"Because they are unforgivable, use of anyone of them will..." she said angry then softer "Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct. Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what
you're up against, you need to be prepared,
you need to find somewhere else to put
your chewing gum other than the underside
of your desk Mr Finnigan!" Professor moody yells angrily "Aw no way, the old codger can see out
the back of his head." Seamus mutters

A lion and a badger (A Cedric Diggory story) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now