Chapter 5- Good bye my love

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Inside the library I'm sitting on one of desks. "Harry, tell me again." Hermione says eagerly "Come seek us where our voices sound." Harry replies "The black lake, that's obvious" hermione spoke "What else?" I could hear the fear inside my own voice "An hour long you'll have to look." Harry says " Again obvious, though I must admit potentially problematic " Hermione spoke annoyed almost at the simpleness "what isn't problematic at this point" I sigh

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour Hermione and Julia?" Harry replied glaring at us both "Look Harry, we can do this. The four of us can figure it out." Hermione says hopefully "I'm sure there's some sort of herb you can use" I suggest hopefully. Mad-Eye Moody appears in the doorway.

"Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not just Weasley, Granger and Bell." Professor says " But sir, the second task is only hours away and..."  Hermione says "Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's
sleep. Go. Now! Longbottom!" Professor says

Me, Ron, and Hermione make our way to Mcgonagall's office with moody. He was silent you could hear his wooden leg on the floor. Immediately when we walk into the room there's already Gabrielle there. I wave politely she does as well. "Now you must be wondering why you're here" startsGrandma "you all must be placed in the black lake for the Champions to get, you all will be alive just asleep" she says finished

"Grandmother! That's astronomical! Isn't that a hazard?!" I shout "you won't be dying" she says calmly "this is absurd!" Hermione says finally  Ron and Gabrielle were silent they didn't Have anything to say I guess. "Fine..." I gave up finally after countless bickering. After some time we were in the end of the lake we were given a purple potion that had smelled of plums we all drank it silently. I felt myself drift off and that's it.

I started coughing and I got lifted up by Cedric and we sat with everyone around us cheering. then wrapping towels around us. Harry was under there too long after a few minutes victor came up with Hermione.  They were chanting krum well the beauxbatons girls looked awfully worriedWe chattered with everyone else. Ron was out and then so was Gabrielle. Harry casts a spell which propels him towards the surface, he flies out and lands on the decking where the crowd are.

"Harry!" Dumbledore yells "Get him another towel." Barry says quickly" I want all the judges over here now." Dumbledore says "You saved her, even though
she wasn't yours to save. My little sister!" Fleur says thankfully Fleur then kisses Harry on the "Thank you! And you..." she looks to Ron "You helped!" She smiled "Well... yeah... a bit" Ron says embarrassed Fleur kisses him as well "Merci." Ron says in a daise
Hermione comes up to Harry with a towel."Harry!" Hermione yells "Hermione" Harry replies

"Are you alright? You must be freezing! Personally I think you behaved admirably." Hermione says I've been quiet Hermione kisses Harry on the head."I finished last Hermione." Harry replies "Next to last." Hermione says with a smile "Attention! Attention! The winner is... Mr Diggory!" Dumbeldore announces. Cedric and his friends cheer."For showing unique command of the bubblehead
shark. The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well.
We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre.!" Dumbeldore says

As we are walking away from the lake we are cheering him."All that moral fibre eh?" Fred says I shot him a look "Blimey even when you go wrong it turns out right." Ron replies "Well done 'moral fibre'." George says I shot him a look as well laughing heading to the dorm.

A lion and a badger (A Cedric Diggory story) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now