Phantom Apprentice (Part 1)

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So, this was originally only going to be one part, but it got really long, so I decided to split it into two parts. Part two is already partially done and should be out soon so you guys won't have to wait too long for the ending. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

"The time of the Jedi has passed. They cannot defeat Sidious," Maul stated. He paused for a second before continuing, "but, together, you and I can." Ahsoka thought for a moment. On one hand, she wanted to believe what he was saying and help stop Sidious before he even got started, but on the other hand, if the Jed couldn't defeat Sidious, what hope did they have?

"Every choice you have made... has led you to this moment," Maul said extending his hand for Ahsoka to take. It was like time froze around them, Ahsoka still in thought contemplating her options. The window next to them shattered, but neither payed it any mind, they were too consumed in their conversation.

After several moments passed, Ahsoka had reached a decision. "I will help you," Ahsoka said half-heartedly. She still wasn't sure this was the best idea. "But you must answer one question."

"You have but to ask," he replied.

"What do you want with Anakin Skywalker?"

"He... is the key to everything."

"To bring balance to the force?" Ahsoka questioned.

"To destroy," Maul corrected. "He has long been groomed for his role, as my Master's new apprentice."

"You lie!" Ahsoka didn't want to believe it. Didn't want to believe that her best friend, her big brother, could turn to the darkness. Sure she knew he was unlike other Jedi with the way he conducted himself, but Anakin Skywalker would never join the Sith.

Maul chuckled. "I'm afraid not. In fact, I was so certain of his fate that I orchestrated this war to lure him here with Kenobi to kill him. Thus, depriving Sidious of his prized pupil." Ahsoka stood glued to the ground. She didn't want to believe it.

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true," Maul encouraged. Ahsoka closed her eyes and looked deep down. She wanted to tell him he was wrong, that Anakin could never, but she couldn't. What she felt through the force was telling her that Maul was right, that Anakin was falling. She had to get back to the Temple before it was too late.

"You're right... I need to get back to the Temple and stop him before it's too late," Ahsoka said, a year forming in her eye.

"It is too late for that. By the time we get there he will have fallen under the control of Sidious, the only thing we can do is... kill him."

"I will refuse kill him. I know there's still good in him."

"Maybe, but you won't be able to break him free. The only way to save the galaxy will be to kill him. You must ask yourself if saving the life of a singular person is worth risking the lives of millions."

Ahsoka sighed, Maul was right. If Anakin could not be reasoned with, he- he had to be killed. The thought of it broke her to pieces, and she just felt like dying right then and there.

"Now come, we must leave now," Maul said as he ran off. Ahsoka followed quickly behind. There was a Mandalorian fighter sitting right outside, Maul must have anticipated needing to make a quick getaway. The two hopped in and quickly took off.

Ahsoka took this chance to contact Rex. She pressed the button on her comm and spoke, "Rex?"

"Yes commander?" Came Rex's reply.

"Slight change of plans. Something is happening with Anakin, and Maul and I are going to help," Ahsoka explained.

"So let me get this straight, you joined forces with the person we were sent here to capture? Not to mention the fact that he's an ex-Sith and extremely manipulative?"

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