chapter seven

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oh look it's my profile picture

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                             Jeremy and Ashley's Apartment                                                                                                                             November 20th, 2011                                                                                                                   

"Happy birthday Jeremy!" Jeff, the director said as he came into Jeremy's living room. "My present is less for Jeremy, more for all of you." We looked at each other, trying to figure out what was going on. "We're going to Broadway!" 

"You're kidding right?" Kara asked, saying what we were all thinking.

"Nope. Million Dollar Quartet is closing, and we're taking it's place!" 

"No fucking way!" Jeremy yelled, sweeping Ashley into a hug. 

"Congrats guys!" I said, adding to the chaos. As everyone was hugging and celebrating, Ben kissed me quickly. Luckily, Jeremy wasn't watching. 

"We can talk at my apartment later if you want?" Ben asked. I gave him a small nod, watching everyone celebrate. People were crying, calling family, and congratulating each other on all their hard work paying off. A lot of these boys, Ben included, would be making their debuts if they chose to stay with the show.                                                                                                                                                       

"Josie! I'm so excited!" Kara exclaimed, running over to me. "This is my debut!" She pulled me into a hug, a few tears rolling down her face. She scurried away again, leaving me in a corner by myself. Ashley walked over, leaning on the wall next to me. 

"I love watching these kind of things. Everyone is always so happy."

"Yeah. It's really nice." 

"So, how are things with Ben?" she asked as he and Jeremy did some sort of bro hug.

"Really good. He's amazing. Thank you for pushing me out there." 

"You two would've ended up together anyways. I just made it go a little faster. When do you think you're going to tell people?" 

"I'm not sure. Soon, I hope. It's only been a month though."

"How do you feel about him?"

"It's kind of weird, but in a good way. I've never felt this way about anyone, let alone at the beginning of a relationship. It's really nice, actually."

"I remember when I first got that feeling. All warm and fuzzy?"

"Yeah. Who was yours with?" I asked. 

"Jeremy. And if he's the one, it never goes away." she replied, going to get another drink. What if this fuzzy feeling is how you know? I've never had it before, and Ashley didn't get it until she met Jeremy. Could Ben be the one? We've only been together for a month, there's no way that I could know that already. Could I?

"Hey girlie, you look deep in thought. Everything okay?" Andrew asked, handing me a glass of something bright blue. 

"Andrew, what the hell is this?" I took a sniff, but didn't smell any alcohol. 

"Hawaiian Punch, you're fine you rule follower. I was eighteen when I had my first tequila shot. Anyways, are you okay?" 

"I'm fine. And I bet that why you're so short, all that alcohol stunted your growth."

"You're shorter than me, but go off." I took a drink of the punch, and it burned going down.

"You fucking liar! This has something in it." I coughed, grabbing at my throat.

"Does it?" Andrew grabbed the cup and took a swig, his face crunching up. "I'm so sorry, that is like two parts vodka one part punch. The bottle is probably in the kitchen if you want normal Hawaiian Punch." He finished the drink and went back to his own as I went to the kitchen for some water to sooth my throat.

"You know, you should probably label things more clearly drink wise." I said to Jeremy, who was cutting himself another piece of cake. 

"What do you mean?"

"Andrew just brought me a glass of 'Hawaiian Punch.'"

"So you just had vodka for the first time? How'd you like it?" 

"It hurt. Still does." I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and chugged half of it in one go. My throat stopped burning and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Sorry. Take whatever you want out of the fridge." Jeremy left, drink in hand. I stayed in the kitchen, taking a moment away from the party.

"Hey, what's up?" Ben asked when he saw me standing alone. 

"Nothing much. I may have just accidentally had vodka for the first time, and it was gross." I said, taking another drink of my water.

"I'm more of a wine guy myself." He leaned against the counter next to me and we stood in a comfortable silence. 

"So, you excited for Broadway?"

"Very. Life is good right now. I have a beautiful girlfriend and I'm going to Broadway. Could it get any better?" Ben leaned down and kissed me softly, smiling into it.

"What the hell?" Jeremy slurred, obviously drunk. "Why did you just kiss Josie?" 

"Follow my lead." I whispered, earning a small nod from Ben. "Jeremy, you're drunk, I don't know what you're talking about. We were just hanging out, he didn't kiss me." Jeremy looked confused, but let it go, walking back into the living room. 

"Well that was close. How did you know that would work?" 

"I didn't." I laughed, leaning  towards Ben and putting my head on his shoulder. 

"Hey it's already late, and since you're already coming over later, you want to just stay the night? If you don't want to that's fine, I just kinda thought that it might be easier, you know?" Ben looked at the ground, waiting for an answer.

"That would be nice. Can you imagine, cuddling all night?!" I said, thinking about falling asleep in his arms. 

"I can't wait." We rejoined the party, where Tommy was in the middle of a dance circle, his drink spilling everywhere. 

"Okay, I think it's about time to head out before someone calls the cops." I said, turning away from Tommy, who was grinding on Ryan (Steele if you're wondering) . I found Jeremy and pulled him aside. "Happy birthday Jer. I'm heading out. Love you."I pulled him into a hug, my face scrunching up because he reeked of liquor. 

"Love you too." He threw back whatever he was holding and went back to the party as I shook my head. 

"Ready?" Ben asked, handing me my coat. 

"Yup." I shrugged it on as we stepped out into the hall. 

"Ready for a night of fun?" 

"If by fun you mean sleep, then yes." We stepped out into the cold of a New York November hand in hand, feeling like we could take on the world together.

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