chapter twenty five

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Hospital                                                                                                                                                                         May 10th, 2012                                                                                                                                                                   1:09 PM

"Well Ben, just take it easy for a few days. No shows until the seventeenth, okay?" the doctor said, finishing up a form. He handed it to me and Ben shook his hand, standing up.

"Got it. Thank you so much." 

"Also, it may not hurt to stay close by, Miss Jordan." I nodded as he left the room. 

"You ready to get out of here?" I asked, grabbing the duffle bag with his stuff. 

"Yes. I can carry my own bag, Josie." He held out his hand expectantly, but I handed him a teddy bear Ryan Steele had sent. 

"Nope. You can carry Cuddles though." 


"Cuddles." He took the teddy bear and followed me out to the parking lot. "We have a ride, I just don't know where he is." A few seconds later, Garett Hawe pulled up in his car. 

"Get in losers, I'm taking you home." Ben got in the passenger seat and I got in the back. "So, how was your stay in hell?" 

"Not that bad actually, since this one was with me. Plus I got to catch up on the sleep I've been losing since tech." Neither of us laughed. "Too soon? Okay." 

"Hey, this is totally awkward random, but did Jeremy really try to jump you?" I asked, scared to know the answer.

"He so did. Alex, Kyle, Mike, both Ryan's and I had to hold him back. I think Laurie got a video of the last little bit." Garett replied. 

"Oh my God. I've got to talk to him about that." I said, mentally face palming. 

"Yeah, he was screaming at him the whole time too. Something about hurting you? All I know was that he used a lot of swear words." Well that's not good. I wish I could've been there to stop it. 

"Ben, on behalf of both of my brothers who wanted to kick your ass, and the one who actually tried, I am so sorry." 

"No need to apologize, it was completely fair. I could hear you crying from the front lawn." 

"What the hell happened in Texas?" Garett asked, laughing a little. 

"Long story short, we went on a break, and didn't talk for a week until all this happened." I said. 

"Well that sucks. You're back together now, right?" 


"Uh-huh." We rode in silence, all the way to Ben's building, where Garett let us out. 

"You guys coming to the theater tonight?" 

"Maybe. I think need some rest after the past two weeks I've had." I said as we got out of the car. 

"Well, have fun! See you guys later." He drove off and we went inside and up to Ben's apartment. We went inside and I put his stuff in his room, joining him on the couch. He put an arm around me, kissing the top of my head. 

"Never do that to me again. I don't think you realize how scared I was, seeing you like that." I said suddenly. 

"I will do my very best. Only if you promise never to do that to me." 

"Deal. Also, I will be staying here at least  until you get to go back to the show." 

"That means I get to wake up next to you on my birthday." Oh shit. Tomorrow's his birthday. His present is at my place. 

"I wouldn't be anywhere else. Except maybe the kitchen, and that would be because I'm making you breakfast."

"That sounds absolutely divine. You want to watch some New Girl?" 

"Always." I sent out a few texts letting everyone know Ben was home, and Andrew promised to grab Ben's gift from my apartment before he stopped by this afternoon on the way to the theater. We watched TV until there was a knock at the door. I got up, answering it to Andrew with a bag full of my stuff. 

"The present is in the bag." he whispered, handing it to me. "Benjamin!" 

"In here!" Andrew went into the living room as I put my stuff down. When I went to join them, Andrew had taken my spot on the couch, so I sat down in the hardly used armchair, curling my legs to my chest. 

"So, finally out, huh? Do you feel any better?"

"For sure. Definitely rested up." 

"Well, you slept for a solid fifteen hours, so that's to be expected." I interjected. 

"Fifteen? Goddamn. Oh, by the way, don't be surprised if a giant box of Schmackary's finds it's way here later." Andrew said, shooting me a sly wink. 

"You didn't!" I gasped. 

"I did not. However, Kara, Capathia, Laurie, and Jules did.

"Oh God." We shared a laugh over the cookies before Andrew had to leave for the theater. Almost an hour later, there was another knock at the door. I got up and opened it a guy from Schmackary's, a huge box in his arms. 


"That's us." I signed for the box and brought it inside, putting it on the kitchen counter. "Ben, you may want to come look at this." I called, opening the box. Seconds later, he was looking over my shoulder. 

"That's a lot of cookies." 

"We've got a gallon of milk and an entire week." 

heh this was all filler shit, idk where this is going rn. if yall have any ideas, please, send them my way lol. 

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