Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I've just finished getting ready for my date with Dennis. I've chosen a black and grey sweater dress, it's tight which shows a nice figure, has a ribbed turtleneck so my chest is completely covered and long sleeves. It goes to above my knees. The dress could pass for an office work dress but I feel comfortable in it so I don't care if it's not date attire. Besides it covers any bruises or blemishes I have on my skin. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress. I bought this dress for a school event last year. I pair it with some low heels to complete my outfit. As for makeup, I don't own a lot. I really only use concealer to cover up my dark eyes and a little powder foundation to make myself look presentable.

Grabbing my purse I head down the hallway. As unlucky as I am, I see Kieryn in the living room. He looks up at me in disgust.

"Don't tell me you have a date". He looks me up and down. "What guy would want you?"

"You're never going to be with a woman", I spit at him, not letting him ruin my night.

"What?" he growls.

"You're disrespectful. No girl wants that". I walk out leaving him to think over my words. Not that a dumbass like him would even know how to think. Will he ever learn people with no respect get nowhere in life?

I get in my car and drive to the movies. I know getting home will include a confrontation from step bitch because Kieryn will go crying to her. But right now I'm not going to worry about that. Hopefully my Dad will be there. She doesn't act out in front of him. I walk into the building and see Dennis waiting in the seating area. He smiles when he sees me and comes over.

"I thought you were a quiet girl at school but you glow up well". Dennis' eyes travel up until they land on my eyes.

"Thanks. We should line up for our tickets", I say but cringe when I realise I have to waste money on something unnecessary.

"No worries, I already got them". He pulls them out of his pocket and passes me one. He bought a ticket for me.

"Thanks". I smile. "You didn't have to do that".

"Let's get our seats".

We walk into the dark room and choose seats towards the middle section. This is going to be a good night. That's is until citrus floods through my nose. Through the dark my eyes land on Javier sitting in the back corner with Jenna. You got to be kidding me. How am I supposed to have a good night? Javier looks annoyed that I'm here.

"Want some popcorn?" Dennis asks, drawing my attention back to him.

"Yeah". I'm going to focus on having a good night.

The movie starts and we sit in silence while we watch it. Now that I think about it the movies isn't a good date given you can't talk and get to know the person. But I don't want him to ask questions so I suppose a movie date is perfect for me. During the movie, Dennis places his hand on my leg making my breath hitch. Since I'm sitting down, my dress has risen up. I didn't think of that.

"Is this okay? I can feel the goosebumps on your leg", Dennis whispers but then I hear a growl. Javier clearly heard what Dennis said. The people here look around but Javier tries to cover up his growl with a cough.

"It's fine, just a little chilly", I tell him.

"Good". Dennis smirks. I try to focus back on the movie but I can hear Javier and Jenna's conversation.

"Why did you growl?" Jenna whispers harshly.

"It was just something in my throat", Javier says.

"Don't be an idiot. We're around humans". Jenna sounds annoyed.

The rest of the movie goes by so slow. It's irritating being so close to Javier. He ruined my night. When the movies finishes, Dennis and I walk out. Dennis grabs my hand and pulls me to a stop in the lobby.

"I had a great time". He smiles. That makes one of us. "I want to kiss you".

"I believe our agreement was that I decide when we kiss", I remind him. I don't want to kiss him. Main reason is because I haven't kissed anyone.

"Dammit", he groans but then smiles. "Guess a true prize is worth the wait".

"I'll see you at school. Bye Dennis".

"Bye Lora", he says, grinning when he sees the look I'm giving him. Can't he pronounce it right? He walks out while I grab my phone out of my purse and check the time. I feel someone grab my arm roughly, but instead of soreness, sparks erupt. Javier pulls me aside.

"You got to quit this shit", he speaks lowly with a slight growl behind his words.

"What?" I ask, pulling my arm out of his grip, feeling overwhelmed with the sparks.

"Don't flaunt around guys in front of me".

"You rejected me. I can move on. You have no claim to me anymore". My voice comes out stronger than I've ever heard it. I don't know where it came from.

"Regardless, I'm still a territorial male wolf. You can't antagonise me and expect me not to react". He looks angry.

"I'm not your territory and thanks to you, I never will be", I speak loud and clear then walk away from him.

After getting in my car I let out a heavy breath. My skin still feels tingly from where he grabbed it. His touch was breathtaking. I can never let him touch me again because that really messed up my emotions and body's nerves. I start the car but I feel more unsteady to drive now than when I was drunk. Shit, a touch from Javier and it affects me this intensely. When Dennis grabbed my leg, it was just simple. Javier's touch is something I don't ever want to feel again given the impact it had on me. I need to forget his touch so I'll be able to have a normal relationship with another man. But I feel that will never leave my memory.



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