Chapter 1 - Are you there God? It's me, Dean Winchester

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It's been four months, since Sam came to visit me. Four months since Dean died.

It has been hard to cope with Dean's death. First I was sad, then I was mad, and then I was numb. It got to the point, where Varga decided to send me to our friends, Horus and Beck, in Minneapolis. I had known them my whole life, since Horus was a childhood friend of my father's, and Beck was only three years older than me. After my parents died, Horus and Beck stayed with us to make sure, we were doing okay.

So I was on my way back to the pack with the bus, when I saw that one of the stops were in Sioux Falls. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention, I can take busses now without wolfing out? Well, I can.

"I should probably check in and see how they are doing." I thought to myself, as I got off the bus.

I ran towards Bobby's house and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly from the irony that last time I ran here too, but this time it was because I wanted to.

When I got there, I caught a strange scent. No, not strange. Impossible, cause that scent died four months ago.

I decided that Sam might have been wearing Dean's old jacket, or something.

But oh boy, was I in for a surprise.

"The bitch is back." I yelled as I opened the door.

"Leona." I was greeted with a hug from Sam. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just passing through and figured, I would stop and say hi." I broke our hug.

"It's good to see you again, kid." I heard Bobby say from my side. "Hi, Bo..." However, when I looked, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Hey, Cub." The supposedly 'dead' Winchester smiled at me cocky as ever. I looked to Bobby for confirmation, and he nodded.

"Dean." I ran right into his arms and buried my face in the crook of his neck. Tears of happiness were rolling down my cheeks. "You're back." I giggled from joy. "But how?" I looked to the different men's faces for answers.

"It's quite a story." Sam said and looked to Dean.

"Wait a second, so let me get this straight." I hesitated, collecting my thoughts after hearing the story. "You met an angel and then proceeded to shoot and stab him?"

"Classic Dean right there." Sam chuckled.

"And where were you?" I turned my look to him.

"I was out getting some burgers." I frowned at the explanation, which sounded like a lie. No, it was a lie. I could tell.

"Look, no one is saying that he is actually an angel." Dean interrupted.

"Well, since the demon knife didn't work or anything else, you fired at him," I shot him a glare. "And since they are real, it makes sense."

"Wait, how do you know, they are real?" Sam frowned along with Dean and Bobby.

"Because my mom met one once."

"What?!" They all shouted in surprise.

"And ya didn't think about telling us this before?" Bobby added.

"You didn't ask." I sheepishly answered.

"That's actually your excuse?" Dean shouted annoyed.

"Alright, sorry my mind didn't exactly go to telling you about my mom meeting an angel, when I was bleeding out on the freaking floor last time." I sassed.

"Okay, no more hanging around Dean for you." Sam said.

"Quit it, Sammy." Dean hissed. "You could've told us, when you were with us for months."

Two Hunters, a Wolf and an Angel (BOOK 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora