Chapter 4 - Metamorphosis

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I stayed at Bobby's over the full moon, while Dean apparently went on a time traveling adventure to the past, with curtesy of Castiel, and Sam had been out doing God knows what. A recurring thing, after we reunited.

At least, I could stay in Bobby's panic room over the full moon. I might hate being locked up on full moon, but there are loads of people here, who has guns in Sioux Falls, so we went with the save option.

I decided to stay with the boys for a little, since it was okay with Varga and I had missed them a lot. Besides, I can just take the bus home now.

"Get your jacket, Leona." Dean burst through the door. "We are going to get Sam." I took my jacket without any hesitation and went after him. He called me by my real name, which meant he was extremely pissed.

After driving for a short time, we arrived at some creepy old building. Sam's smell was all over the area along with a strong smell of sulphur. Great. Demons.

"Dean." I said to get his attention. "He is here, but so is a demon and possibly more than one." He just nodded sternly and took out the demon knife, while I armed myself with my knife. It wouldn't kill a demon, but it could keep them at bay.

While Dean and I were hiding, I saw Sam and some other girl standing in front of a man, who was tied to a chair underneath a pentagram.

"Where is Lilith?" Sam asked in a menacing tone very unlike him.

"Kiss my ass." The man answered as his eyes turned black.

"I would watch myself, if I were you." Sam said back.

"Why? huh?" The demon asked. "Because you're Sam Winchester, Mr. Big Hero?" Well, he got the big part right. "And yet here you are slutting around with some demon. Real hero." The girl must be the other demon then. Makes sense.

"Shut your mouth." Sam said in an eerily cold manner.

"Tell me about the month without your brother." The demon grinned back. "About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark. Tell me, hero."

I could see how Sam was twitching with anger before stretching out his hand, much to my confusion. The man started choking on the black smoke of the demon, being forcefully exorcised from his body, leaving scorch marks on the ground.

My eyes widened in pure terror of what the once gentle giant was able to do with his mind. I quickly looked to Dean, who seemed to be in a state of shock and disappointment as well.

The mans head was hanging as Sam went over and checked his pulse, seeming satisfied.

"How did that feel?" The demon girl asked.

"Good." Sam sounded almost as if he was high on the power. "No more headaches."

"None?" The girl smiled. "That's good."

"Hey, hey." Sam untied the man as he started to wake up. "I got you. It's alright." Sam started helping the man out before stopping as Dean and I emerged.

"So-" Dean started having a hard time controlling his anger, as he moved towards him. I stood behind. "Anything you wanna tell me Sam?"

"Dean. Hold on, okay? Just let-"

"You were gonna say 'let me explain this'? You're gonna explain this?" Dean cut Sam off. "Hell, how about you start by telling me, who she is, and what the hell is she doing?"

A small pause ensued before the girl said, "Good to see you again, Dean." She turned to me. "And you wolfie."

"Ruby." I growled as my eyes turned yellow.

"Is that Ruby?" Dean looked to Sam for confirmation. In return, he was given a guilty look, which we all knew what meant.

Dean charged at Ruby, smashing her into a fence with the knife raised high and me right behind him.

"No dont!" Sam yelled as he struggled with Dean to get the knife. I was holding Ruby in place, growling at her. Sam eventually got the knife and kicked Dean away in the process. Me being distracted for a brief moment, she kicked me in the stomach and held Dean in a chokehold against the fence. "Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, stop it." Sam said in a dominant voice.  Finally, she let go of Dean.

"Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch?" Dean said harshly.

"Ruby." Sam said again. "Ruby, he is hurt." He was referring to the man, who had just been possessed. "Go."

"The hell do you think you are going?" Dean and I yelled in sync, when Ruby picked up the man.

"The ER. Unless you want another round first?" She answered. I growled and tried to move towards her only to be blocked by Sam.

"Dean." Sam looked as Ruby had walked off and Dean started walking in the opposite direction. "Leona." He said as I followed suit. I couldn't even comprehend, why he would do this. Why work with that bitch, Ruby?

We returned to the motelroom, where Sam was sitting down and reading a book, as we entered. Or rather Dean entered and I stayed outside. I felt an argument brewing and didn't fancy getting caught in the crossfire. 

I jumped as the sound of a fist connecting with flesh and Sam groaning. I contemplated going inside, but I was afraid, it would somehow escalate the conflict even more. The sound came again and I widened my eyes. I knew Dean was pissed at Sam, but I couldn't believe, he would hurt him. I decided with myself, I would step in, if I heard it become an actual fight.

I slid down the door the door and tried to block out the argument. I might be pissed at Sam too, but I hate arguments. Maybe staying with them wasn't such a great idea anyway?

After a little, Dean came out. "Pack your bags. We are going to Missouri." I nodded and went inside. As soon as my eyes met Sam's, he opened his mouth.


"Don't." I looked to him with a hurtful expression. "Just don't."

I packed my bags as quickly as I could before going out to the Impala and sitting myself in the backseat.

"I can't believe it." Sam said after Dean had told us, what happened when he went back in time. Honestly, I couldn't believe, they were actually exchanging words. "Mom? A hunter?"

"I wouldn't have believed it either, if I hadn't seen it myself." Dean answered.

"Wow, you guys really take the whole family business thing serious, dont you?" I joked earning a small chuckle from both of them.

"I mean, that woman can kick some ass. She almost took me down." Dean chuckled.

"Not the most difficult thing ever." I whispered.

"Hey!" Dean yelled.

"Just telling the truth." I grinned. No part of that was real. He was a tough one and I did not want to be on the opposite side of him in a fight.

"How did she look?" Sam asked. "I mean, was she happy?"

"She was awesome." Dean answered. "Ya' know funny and smart. So hopeful. Dad too." I involuntarily shivered at the memory of our meeting last year. "Until of course..." Sam groaned in response. "What?"

"Nothing." Sam then turned to look at Dean. "It's just our parents, and now we find out our grandparents too. Our whole family murdered and for what? So Yellow Eyes could get in my nursery and bleed into my mouth?"

I shared a look of confusion with Dean over this information. "Sam, I never said anything about the demonblood." Oh no. "You knew about that?"

"Yeah for about a year." Great. Another secret Sam had kept.

"A whole year?" Dean said in an unnaturally light voice, attempting to camouflage the hurt.

"I should have told you." Sam said. "I'm sorry."

"You have been saying that a lot lately, Sam." Dean said back. I laid down on the seat and tried to fall asleep to escape another argument. "But whatever. You dont wanna tell me, you dont have to. Thats fine."

"Dean." Sam tried, but soon realized there was nothing, he could say. "Whatever."

Two Hunters, a Wolf and an Angel (BOOK 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon