forty three.

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A loud knock wakes me from my sleep, and my eyes snap open. I grumble to myself in annoyance that my sleep had been interrupted, and blink my eyes into focus as the sunlight seeps through the open curtains.

I shoot up in bed as the memories of last night come flooding back to me. It almost feels like a dream.

Mason was in such a hurry to leave after it happened and I found myself staying awake trying to wait for him, but I must have drifted off to sleep. I grip a hold of my comforter as I remember the way he touched me last night.

It was so strange, I've never been so intimate with anyone like that before.

Surprisingly enough I never felt nervous, or self conscious in any way- it almost felt right.

The burning sensation I felt when his lips touched my bare skin, the feeling of need every time his dark green eyes looked into mine, without it I almost felt lost.

I heard another loud knock coming from downstairs and let out a sigh. Who could be at the door this early in the morning?

As I walk through the hallway I can't help but stop in front of Mason's door, I slowly turn the knob to the side and peek through. It was empty, yet again. My mind tries wanders off to all the places he could be right now but I quickly shut it down.

I know I shouldn't be surprised that he isn't home, because he never is. But still I face disappointment when I don't see him in the room.

I close the door to his bedroom and walk downstairs towards the loud and obnoxious noise coming from outside. The soreness between my legs became evident as my feet went down each step, and I can't help but smile at the thought of where that came from.

I hear the doorbell ring throughout the house and find my feet picking up it's pace. I swing the front door wide open and find who I thought would be the last person I would see- well, second to last.

"Aiden," I say as my eyes connect with his. The smile on his face widens as he eyes me up and down, taking in my pajamas.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

"Breakfast, remember? Am I too early?"

Oh shit. I completely forgot that the last time I was with him he asked if he could take me to breakfast today. I don't want to cancel our plans, but a part of me feels a bit weird to see him here after what happened with Mason and I last night.

"No, no, um, why don't you just come in? I just have to change-"

"Oh, no, I'll just wait in the car then, take your time." He says, and before I can open my mouth up to speak he's already walking to his car.

I don't find it strange for Aiden to immediately dismiss the possibility for him to see me naked, but I know for a fact that Mason would probably pounce at the idea. I shake my head at the thought.

I need to stop comparing the two, Aiden isn't Mason, and for that I am grateful.

I hummed in satisfaction as I savored the last night of the waffles I had ordered. Over the past forty five minutes Aiden and I have engaged in some small talk while we sat at a table at Ollie's Diner. I was starting to feel guilty about everything that happened between Mason and I.

I know it didn't mean anything to him, or at least I think it didn't. But I don't want to put Aiden in the same situation as last time.

I don't know what we are at the moment, or even if Aiden and I are doing this exclusively. But then again, would that make any difference? What's done is done and there's no going back now.

All Because Of Himحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن