fifty three.

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Chills run down my spine as I watch the crowd part like the red sea to make room for the fuming man making his way towards me. I gulp down the saliva building up in my mouth from the intensity of his stare. Even from a few feet away I can see his eyes blazing into Felix before flickering themselves back onto me.

I turn back around in my seat and ready myself for the argument I know is coming. Funny how I finally feel myself trying to move on from this situation, and he coincidentally decides to pop up back into my life.

He reaches me and my gaze remains forward overlooking the bar, ignoring the enraged man standing to the right of me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He spits and I sigh, not wanting to deal with any of this tonight.

"I could ask you the same thing."


"Are you sure you want to be doing that?" I ask him and finally connect my eyes with his.

The feeling it gives me from just our eyes looking into each other's reminds me of every memory the two of us have had; the good, the bad, the messy, all of it.

And I hate it.

I don't put my foot down enough when it comes to him. I always let him weasel his way back into my mind but not anymore.

"Doing what?" His voice is laced with irritation but I ignore it.

"Talk to me. You know, since it'd ruin the perfect three day streak you got going on."

He scoffs at my words before tightening his jaw once he realizes how serious I am. I can't deny that having him so close to me starts to breathe the life back into my body, but I'd never let him know that.

It almost seems like we're playing a game on whose eyes can glare at the other's the longest, and just as I feel like he's winning he speaks up.

"You shouldn't be here." He says, inching his way closer to me. Of course he would completely ignore what I just said and turn the tables back on me.

This man is infuriating.

"No. Mason, if there's one thing I shouldn't be doing, it's talking to you." I snap back and turn my head away from his so I'm back facing the bar. I hear him sigh deeply as his cold eyes remain fixated on me.

I watch as the bartender finishes making my drink and sticks a thin black straw inside before he places it on top of a white napkin in front of me.

I knew it was a good idea to order another drink. Maybe it'll help get rid of the throbbing headache Mason is giving me.

Just as I'm about to thank the bartender, Mason beats me to it.

"Before your liquor license gets revoked why don't you try serving to people who are actually old enough to fucking drink. She's eighteen."

My mouth drops open from him ratting me out. The bartender doesn't look too surprised, I'm sure it happens all the time here. He shoots me a look as if to tell me that if this man next to me wasn't giving him the biggest death glare of all time and threatening to take away their liquor license he would give me the drink. So instead of drowning my sorrows in alcohol, I watch him pick up the drink he made for me and walk off with it.

"Seriously?! What the fuck is your problem!" I yell at him, and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Get up." He demands, his voice firm. I feel the familiar internal range he sends me and lean my body back further into the chair to protest.

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