Running from the barbies

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If you could see the look on Simon's face. You would have been dying. He was thinking really hard and then suddenly the realization. I'd really beat him. My friends are just on the floor laughing their asses off.

"Come on guys dont need to be idiots." they finally stopped and smiled and chuckled when we pasted Simons *cough* posse *cough*

We got to class and talked the whole hour.

After school

"So i saw you with my boyfriend. Back off you little slut. Hes mine. He doesnt like you. Im always going to better than you emo freak." She said to me and smirked. Well i have something o say to her. "Sorry, did you just say boyfriend and did you just call me a slut?" Acting dumb. She scoffed. "Because a. he's just using you for sex. B. im not a slut. C. just because i always wear black doesnt mean im emo. And have you checked yourself. You look like you just got ran over by a garbage truck." she turned bright red. "Have you seen yourself. You look like you came out of a an old movie." She just said the worst comeback. i decided not to use my tricks on her. Shes not worth it. my group and i just walked away. "Nice talking to you barbie, wait let me refrase that 'walking std'" i said over my shoulder. She stumped away and tripped. She screamed and told her minions to go after us. They had heels and mini skirts on, while my group had sneakers. Do they really think they'll catch up to us.

We stoped in our tracks when they got near us and right when they were going to grab me we ran 10 feet away from them. We started laughing when they were on the floor crying. They looked hallarious. I wonder what going to happen tomorrow.

Its started with a fightWhere stories live. Discover now