The Show

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~Rainbow's PoV~

I fell asleep thinking about Soarin that night........

~Early in the morning~

I got up and took a shower and brushed my mane and went on a fly to get my mane to look cool. Im excited about the WonderBolts show today and hanging out with Soarin later that day. But I do have much time before the show, it starts in Afternoon. So I thought I why not go see what FlutterShy is up to maybe she could use some company. Flew off to FlutterShy's cottage and landed in front of it. I could hear her talking to the animals inside her cottage. I knocked on the door and I hear hoove steps and she answered the door. "Oh..hello Rainbow Dash"she said in her shy voice. "Hi Flutters" I said with big smile.she let me in and I sat on a couch."How have you been?"she said "Pretty good how about you?" "Fine" she said. "I'm so excited!"I said "if I may ask why your so happy Rainbow?" She asked a little confused. "Well today is the WonderBolts show!". "Oh I hope you have fun." "Well I don't want go by myself....maybe you can come with me?" I asked still smiling. "I would love to Rainbow." "Great..but...maybe we should get going Cloudsdale soon because the show will start soon." I said very excitedly. "Ok just let me feed the animals."Fluttershy said. "Ok" I waited patiently for her to feed them all I almost lost my patients of waiting on her, but I was a good friend and stayed. After about 30 minutes she finished although it felt like hours." Now let's go!" I said, I took off flying with FlutterShy behind me, after what seemed like hours we reached Cloudsdale. It took along time since Fluttershy takes forever because she don't fly very fast. "Finally..we made it to Cloudsdale!" I said "Y-yay" FlutterShy said happily. "Well we still have some time before the show starts do you want to go get something to eat?" I asked "Sure, I am kind of hungry" she said. "Ok let's go then" I said

Soarin's PoV
I was practicing for the show that was in a little while. But then I sat down for a couple of minutes and thought of Rainbow Dash.....and how beautiful she is and how I loved every detail that I saw when I looked at her. I...I just can't wait to see her. I was just day dreaming about her and how much I admired about her. When all of the sudden I saw a figure walking towards me and it was a yellow figure. I looked over and saw it was the one and only ,Spitfire walking towards me. "Hey Spitfire" I said "Hey Soarin" she said with a smirk "um.....what's so funny?" I asked "I know your thinking about..........her" she said in a whisper and smirk still on her face. I blushed at the thought that she knew I liked Rainbow Dash"I-I d-don't know w-what your t-talking about." I said stuttering . "Soarin, trust me I've known you for a long time and I have saw you ever act weird or think a lot before a show so I know something's up and you seem to enjoy talking to that Rainbow maned mare....Oh what's her name......oh ya Rainbow Dash." She said with that smirk still on her face. I sighed "Fine....yes I do I like Rainbow a lot but can you not tease me about it and don't tell anypony not even she knows I like her like that." I said looking at her looking in her eyes with a serious look in my eyes as I stared at her. "Ok I promise...but...You know she is always at are Shows so that means she's gonna be at today's show...."she said with that look still on her face. "I know she's a big fan of The WonderBolts." I said " I wouldn't try to get distracted by her or anything do your best Soarin...because you don't want to disappoint her." She said, I just look at her. Is Spitfire trying to give me advice? I thought "Thanks , Spitfire." I said "Well see you in a few Soarin." She said before flying off. I'm glad I have Spitfire she's like a sister to me I thought to myself. Well I guess I should meet up with the others I put my Goggles on and then walked over with the rest of the WonderBolts.

~Rainbow Dash's PoV~
After we finished eating we went to the stadium to set down for the show and I realized right were I was sitting is were Soarin starts at. Omgomgomg!!! I thought this is so cool! And not to forget I get to hang out with him after this show. My thoughts were interrupted by loud cheers and screams The WonderBolts were coming out, they waved at everypony ,and stood by there starting position.

~Soarin's PoV~
I went to my starting position and something caught my eye. It was a rainbow colored maned mare that I couldn't forget. Sitting right there by my starting position was Rainbow Dash. I didn't know what to do. Now I have to concentrate.
~Rainbow Dash's PoV~
I stared at Soarin and I guess he noticed because he looked straight at me and winked. I blushed when he did and almost fainted it's hard for me to get over his emerald colored eyes. I gazed at him in his WonderBolts outfit....he looked so cute. Then I noticed that FlutterShy was looking right at me and back at him with a big smile on her face. "So Rainbow is...this why you like going to WonderBolt Shows."she said I looked at her with wide eyes I was taken aback about what she just said blushing a little and answered her "N-no" "Sure..." She said with a smirk. "Um..look the show is about to start." I tried to make an excuse I was so happy to find out the show did start. The WonderBolts took off from there starting position going into the air leaving dark clouds behind them and doing many different tricks but there was one Pegasus I could stop watching...........Soarin , I watched every move that he did. They ended the show with a big trick all together. I loved the show. Someday I want to achieve to be a WonderBolt. But for now I have to meet a stallion to hang out with.

Authors Note: I made this chapter longer because......I don't really know why actually 😂

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