Chapter "31"

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The meeting carried on. Darius and Pixis didn't mention much on the matter about what they and Levi had discussed a couple of days before, however, they allowed the Omegas to join in and speak freely. It was all going in Levi's favour.

They had mostly discussed on the matter of Hitch and what her punishment was going to be. Pixis insisted that she had one, but nothing drastic. It was only something that could be compared to grounding a child or sending them to their room for a few days. Levi accepted it, as long as it wasn't harsh.

Hitch had hardly said a word during these meetings. Eren was expecting her to open her mouth every five minutes to comment on something stupid, but she did not. She just listened and kept her head held high.

The Queens, however, did speak. They didn't hold back and their husbands listened; everyone listened.

It got to that time in the afternoon when everyone decided to call it a day, however, Pixis spoke out as everyone got up.

"Sit down," he ordered quietly, but there was a roughness in his voice. He clicked his tongue and turned to Darius, who nodded. Pixis leaned forward. "It had been two days, Rivaille, and as promised we will give our answers. I'll let Darius decide first."

Darius nodded and turned to the Maria King. "I'm not going to give a heart filled speech about how I am sorry for what happened to Kuchel when I have said it a hundred times. But I will say this - you are awfully brave, Rivaille. You, who has only been King for a few months, standing up to two Kings that you have an alliance with. That's plucky. I feel that there is another reason as to why you want this. Why are you so desperate to give Omegas rights, Rivaille? Give the answer I want, and Rose is on your side," he said. Levi leaned back, glancing at Eren quickly, before turning back.

"Other than my mother's past, I have come to feel sick of this world and it's rules. Everywhere I look people are pointing at someone and mocking them for being born. It disgusts me. Eren is a High, and people act as if he is not," Levi said. Darius sighed.

"And..?" he insisted. Levi sighed.

"Because this world needs to learn it's place. Not just Omegas. Everyone. Me, you, Pixis, even Eren. We are too selfish and believe me when I tell you I normally don't give a shit, but it's starting to get on my nerves."

Darius smiled slightly and nodded, before standing up.

"Rose shall be waiting whenever you need her. Say the word today, next week or in five years; we will be waiting," Darius spoke. Levi nodded in appreciation, before turning to Pixis, who was smiling to himself, before drinking a large glass of whine.

"Well, Rivaille, don't you feel proud? You have Darius on your side, but I have to admit that your argument is very good. I'm not a harsh King, Rivaille, and I'm sure you understand that. I only do what is right and I would rather feel no regrets, but it seems that having regrets is part of the job. I would rather not have a regret here and allow my daughter to die in the slumps. You have Sina waiting for you too," Pixis said.

Eren was cheering loudly in his mind. They had done it. They had gotten the two Kings of their neighbouring Kingdoms to accept them.

Levi stood up and bowed.

"I appreciate it greatly. I believe this is the end then for today. Last one is tomorrow," Levi said, before leaving the room with Eren following him. They walked silently down the hall, making their way to the room and entering. Eren closed the door.

"Well done," Eren congratulated Levi. Levi nodded and scratched his head.

"Nah. I already had Pixis when we first mentioned about Hitch having the same fate as my mother. Darius wasn't going to say no, unless I said a really selfish answer. It was easy," he replied. Eren smiled.

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