Light Pink Sky, Up On The Roof

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Anne had hoped that the walk towards the Blythe-Lacroix residence would help to calm her nerves and clear her mind. But the closer she neared the more panicked she became. Gilbert would have every right to say "I told you so" to Anne. And she wouldn't be able to argue with him because he did tell her so. It was her idea to keep their relationship a secret for a month, while she figured out how to break the news to Ruby. But so far, Anne had not figured how to help Ruby fall out of love with Gilbert. Then to make matters worse, Anne now had to deal with Charlie Sloane, who had become convinced that he was going to court, and eventually marry Anne. Their situation had become even more disastrous than Anne could have anticipated. As she approached the door she hoped that Gilbert would answer, not Mary or Bash (she wasn't in the mood to do any more lying today).

Luckily for her it was Gilbert who opened the door. Seeing his face made her feel marginally more calm. His eyebrows were furrowed, clearly not expecting to see her at his door. Anne knew they'd left things at school in an awkward situation, but she could't stop her face from breaking out into a wide grin upon seeing him. Before she could even register what she was doing, she was flinging herself towards him, embracing him in a well needed hug.

"What's this for," Gilbert whispers against her hair, taking in a deep breath and sighing happily "Not that I'm complaining of course".

"Well I had a particularly boring walk home today. And don't laugh but I missed you."

"I'm glad to hear that Charlie is not a better escort than me. Was really he so dull that you had to rush over here?" he teased her, internally celebrating that she'd not had a change of heart, and would not be abandoning him for Charlie.

"Whilst Charlie was dull. That's not exactly why I'm here..." Anne wasn't really sure how to explain how her conversation with Charlie went down without upsetting Gilbert "Could I come in?".

"Well that sounds serious" Gilbert smiled awkwardly trying to ease the sudden tension "Bash and Mary are in Charlottetown, taking Delphine to the doctors."

"Oh no! Is sweet Delly okay?"

"Do not worry, she's fine, it's just for a checkup"

"Oh thank heavens, I could not handle anything befalling that precious angel!"

Gilbert feels his heart tug at this admission. Ever since Delphine's birth a few months back, Anne had been at the house regularly helping out with the newborn. Even before they had started their (secret) courtship, Gilbert had been unable to imagine anything but their possible future together, whenever he saw Anne caring for his precious niece. It was a beautiful crisp Autumn evening, so the two of them sat on the front porch, admiring the beauty of the land he and Bash cared for.

"So are you ready to tell me whatever's causing you to keep biting your lip" Gilbert asked, making Anne flush scarlet. It was one of Anne's worst habits, which she'd desperately tried to give up. She felt simultaneously flattered and annoyed by how good Gilbert had gotten at reading her.

"After our rather boring walk, Charlie had wanted to come into to Green Gables... So that he could ask the Cuthbert's permission to court me". Anne expected her reaction to cause Gilbert anger, but instead he froze in his place, looking silent and strangely pale.

"Did you... Did you say...yes?" Gilbert's voice sounded tired and sad, as though he was expecting her to have said yes. The absurdity of this proved to much for Anne, who keeled over with laughter, her eyes watering with amusement. Unfortunately, Gilbert did not join in with Anne's laughter. For Gilbert had always felt insecure when it came to Anne. He wasn't a rich man, and if he were to become a successful doctor, it would not be for several more years. Gilbert was simply a farm boy, and could not be able to offer her a life of luxury, like Charlie Sloane. Realising Gilbert was still quiet, Anne scrambled to compose herself.

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