Say You'd Rather Love Than Fight

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Anne wakes up the next morning, lying in a ridiculously soft bed. There was not much light coming from the windows, and she knew she was up earlier than necessary. Anne was slightly disoriented, not used to the unfamiliar surroundings. For a brief moment she forgot the events of the night before, until she looked to the side and saw Diana, sleeping soundly. The sight of her best friend caused the disaster of the night before to come flooding back to her. After Diana had found Anne crying on the floor, she'd brought the girl upstairs. Diana had listened to Anne tearfully try to explain what had happened. Then she'd held her friend until the girl had fallen asleep. Anne's heart swelled at the memory, she'd expected Diana to have been horrified, but instead she'd taken care of her. Anne was unsure what she had done to deserve such a kind friend.

Not wanting to disturb Diana, Anne slowly crept around the room, putting on slippers and sneaking out. The bedroom was overwhelmingly warm, and Anne felt an urge for fresh air. The rest of the household must've still been asleep, as it was completely silent as Anne headed towards the nearest balcony. The view from Aunt Jo's house was lovely, and Anne sat down on one of the chairs, breathing in the cold morning air. The silence was enjoyable, but did not last long.

"You're sat in my chair." Whispered Cole. Anne turned around in surprise.

"I wasn't expecting anyone to be awake yet." She said back.

"Well I like to get up sometimes to watch the sunrise. It's lovely to sketch. What's your excuse?" As he spoke he walked toward her, sitting in the chair opposite, sketchbook in hand.

"I couldn't sleep any longer." She admitted "I've got a lot to think about."

"So I've heard. You know you're an idiot right?." Cole grinned at her, so she knew he wasn't serious.

"Yes, I know I made a mistake Cole."

"More than one actually." He interrupted.

"Don't be a know it all." She chided lightly, not really meaning it "And if you think yourself so smart, tell me what to do."

"It's pretty simple Anne, you just need to apologise. Ruby and Gilbert both care for you, they'll forgive you, eventually."

"Do you really think it'll be that easy?" She asked wistfully, desperately wanting to believe she could fix things.

"Simple and easy aren't the same things Anne. This is going to be hard for you, mainly because it will involve you being honest with yourself, something you're not particularly good at. But it is possible for you to make things right, I promise."

At this Anne sighed "Diana said pretty much the exact same thing you know?."

Cole laughed "Of course she did, great minds think alike. Diana and I are yoursmartest friends, you should definitely listen to us."

Anne didn't say anything to this. She knew that Diana and Cole were both right, but she'd never been good at accepting advice. However, this time she would have to, if she wanted to ear back Ruby's friendship and Gilbert's companionship. Her future now contained two rather difficult conversations. She looked ahead; the sun was slowly beginning to rise. The deep orange colours shined brightly, and Anne smiled, despite herself. It's a new day, she thought.


Leaving Charlottetown was difficult for Anne, knowing what was awaiting her in Avonlea. She hugged Cole tightly, and promised to write to him about the outcome of her apologies. Aunt Jo squeezed her hand tightly before she left. The older woman's eyes twinkled as she said "That Gilbert Blythe is a rather handsome young boy isn't he?" Anne blushed, but before she could answer, Aunt Jo continued "You should see the way he looks at you. It reminds me of how I looked at my Gertrude." She then winked at Anne slyly, and walked off, leaving the younger girl speechless.

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