Dancing With Our Hands Tied

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For the rest of the week, Gilbert and Anne skirt around the subject of the ball. Neither one of them bring up dancing again. They still walk to school together, hand in hand, but there is an undercurrent of tension. Anne can barley recall the last time she had felt so awkward around him, and she's upset at the fact that they've seemingly taken a step backwards in their relationship. He doesn't seek her eyes out in class, doesn't shoot her any private smiles or glances. She's frustrated, but manages to console herself with the knowledge that once the ball is over, she'll be able to make things right with him.

The rest of the girls are all filled with enthusiasm for the ball. Tillie has enjoyed watching the two Paul's fight over who should get her first dance. Josie has promised her first dance to Billy Andrew's (Anne wasn't best pleased when she found out he'd received an invite at the insistence of his sister). Diana had asked Jerry to be her first dance (the only girl who knew this so far was Anne). And Jane had decided that she'd save her first dance for a handsome Charlottetown boy, as she had deemed all their classmates 'not up to scratch'.

At the start of the week, Charlie had approached Ruby to ask if he could fill her dance card for the ball. Ruby had admittedly seemed a little disappointed at his speech (she'd been hoping for a bit more passion), but she agreed none the less. Anne had expected to be elated at this news, but for some reason it didn't sit right with her. There was something wrong with the picture that she just couldn't put her finger on. Of course she kept these thoughts to herself, knowing that all the other girls would think her ridiculous. Still Anne could not help but feel more and more uneasy as the ball approached.


On the day of the ball, Anne and Diana arrive early at Aunt Jo's house, their friends were to arrive in the evening. Anne had been missing Cole terribly, even though she knew he would be sure to laugh at her current predicament. He was waiting in the hallway when the two girls arrived.

"Cole!" She exclaimed happily, flinging herself at him, embracing him in hug.

"I've missed you so much!" They said at the same time. Anne was clinging to him like a child, knowing she was being very unladylike, but not being able to bring herself to care. He eventually was able to pry her off him so he was able to hug Diana. Anne turned towards the stairs as she saw Aunt Jo making her way to them. Anne stepped back as she allowed Diana to greet her Aunt. Anne would normally be overjoyed to see Josephine, but the older women was very intuitive and would instantly realise that Anne was acting stranger than usual.

"And why do you look so skittish Anne?" Asked Aunt Jo, looking Anne up and down in concern.

"It's boy troubles Aunt Jo" Answered Diana. At this Aunt Jo rolled her eyes and huffed in amusement. Luckily for Anne she didn't ask any further questions, instead she directed the girls to the rooms they were staying in.

As the two girls began to prep for the ball, Anne felt herself forlorn at the prospect of attending such a lovely ball in such a dull dress. It was an unflattering brown colour (Marilla's favourite colour for some inexplicable reason) and was a little too tight for Anne's liking, she'd found herself going through a small growth spurt recently. The only thing that made her feel better was Cole, who had promised to do her hair for the event. Gilbert had once swore blind that she looked beautiful in anything, but Anne harboured a secret desire for him to see her in a more grown up gown than the one she owned.

Almost as if he'd read her mind, Cole interrupted her daydreaming, entering the room with a mysterious grin on his face. Cole himself, looked lovely, no longer dressed like the "sad farmboy" he'd once been. His suit was magnificent, a deep teal colour, which would stand out pretty much anywhere apart from Aunt Jo's house.

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