Are We In The Clear Yet?

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For the rest of the week Charlie has been walking Ruby home, and Anne could not have been more delighted. By Friday lunch time, Anne feels positively giddy at the thought of Charlie and Ruby officially courting, and the rest of the girls agree.

"Oh Ruby, you'd be so lucky if Charlie was to court you. Imagine the wedding!" Tillie exclaimed.

"Imagine how adorable you're children would be!" Added Jane, smiling dreamily.

"If you're set on Charlie, then you need to convince him to make it official soon. Once he's at Queen's, you never know who might catch his eye. You need to have staked your claim before then." Insisted Josie.

The only issue with all this, unfortunately, was that Ruby didn't seem to be as convinced. "I know he'd make a good match, but I don't know if I can see myself marrying him. I'd always seen my future with Gilbert. I don't know if I can just change this just because Charlie has walked me home a few times. The whole thing doesn't seem very.... romantical! As Anne would say. Oh what do you think Anne, what should I do?" Asked Ruby, looking at Anne with such trust that she was starting to feel guilty for being with Gilbert. Luckily her dear, sweet Diana answered before she could.

"A walk home might not be romantic. But a ball certainty is." Diana said slyly. This all caused the girls to erupt in excitement.

"Is there to be a ball Diana?!" Anne asked, almost forgetting her problems.

"Well Autumn is coming to an end and winter is beginning. Aunt Jo wanted to mark the changing of seasons, and I managed to convince her to invite our class" Announced Diana.

"Ruby how perfect is that" said Tillie "You'll be able to dance with Charlie, surely such a romantic moment will help you to see your future with him."

At this the girls all began planning who would wear what, and who would dance with who. They all had smiles on their faces, having never been to a proper ball. But when Anne turned to see Ruby, the younger girl looked less than excited by it all. Anne didn't understand, why wasn't Ruby falling for Charlie?


Fortunately, outside, Gilbert was having better luck with Charlie. After Anne's pleading he had agreed to spend his lunch outside with the boys, so that he could find out what Charlie was thinking.

"So Charlie" he said, attempting to seem casual "Heard you've walked Ruby home all week. You two gonna make it official?"

At this Charlie shrugged "She's a nice girl, I like spending time with her, but at the same time I can't help but think maybe I should wait till we're at Queens before courting a girl".

You didn't seem to think that when you were trying to court Anne, Gilbert thought, still feeling annoyed at the incident. Anne had reassured him all week that she didn't care for Charlie, and he trusted her completely, but it still didn't stop him from feeling slighted by his friend.

"And what happens if you go to Queens, don't meet any girls you like, and by the time you go back to Ruby, she's already being courted by another boy?" Gilbert asked, hoping he could get his friend to make his move as soon as possible. Moody, for some reason, was being suspiciously quiet during this whole exchange.

"I suppose you've got a point" Charlie agreed. "What do you think Moody?"

"I mean... uhm.... Ruby's pretty" Said Moody, awkwardly.

"That's helpful Mood, thanks" said Charlie, dryly.

"It's up to you mate, just remember Ruby won't wait around forever" Added Gilbert.

"Yeah that's true" Said Charlie, nodding his head in realisation "I think Diana is walking home with Ruby today. So I'll just need to wait for a good moment to ask."

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