❄️ Chapter 1 ❄️

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It was a quiet autumn morning in moominvalley. Birds were chirping and Little My and snorkmaid were play their game of skipping-rope. Moomintroll stayed in he's room reading books on adventures with he's best friend (*Cough*Cough* hidden crush) snufkin.

"Moomintroll why are we reading this books again?" Snufkin said sipping some of the tea moomintroll's mother made for them during their study's.
"Papa's boring story said something about a mountain or forest of magic that comes out during the winter" moomintroll said putting the book down and pick up the other one on he's left.

"I don't know moomintroll,I never seen nor heard of it during my travels" snufkin said taking out he's pipe and placed it in his mouth. Moomintroll rolled his eyes and sighed. Moomintroll hand then hit a book with no title and looked old and wore out.
"Hey snufkin look at this" moomintroll said holding the book. Snufkin looked at moomintroll with a confused look on he's face,"What is it?" He said putting he's pipe down.
Moomintroll open the book and flipped through the paper before stopping. "Uh snufkin...you have to see this..." Moomintroll said he's ear's up down and he's tail rapidly moving left to right. Snufkin stood up and walked to moomintroll's desk." What's wro-" snufkin froze looking down at the book which had the title

"Skoteinó dásos mageías"
(Dark forest of magic in greek)
Snufkin took the book and begun reading. Moomintroll sat there a bit confused"Uh snufkin what does it say?" Moomitroll said looking at snufkin who's faced deep in the book.
"Moomintroll I think I found what your looking for" snufkin said pulling moomintroll closer too him. Moomintroll's felt he's face heating up as snufkin held him, "R-Really where is it?" moomintroll said trying to hold back he's embarrassment. Snufkin smirked and closed the book"I really can't tell but it does say go North then go south west" snufkin still holding moomintroll by he's side.

Snufkin's then let moomintroll go and looked at him with a warm smiles on his face"You should pack before we leave" snufkin putting the book on moomintroll's nightstand. Moomintroll stood there dumbfounded before realizing"Y-YOU WANT ME TO GO WITH YOU?!" moomintroll said with excitement in his voice .
Snufkin smirked and nodded
"My best friend wants to find a place of magic, why wouldn't I take you" he said walking to the door. Moomintroll ran up to snufkin and hugged him with a big smile on his face. "THANK YOU SNUFKIN" Moomintroll said letting go of snufkin and held his hand. Snufkin cheeks begun to burn red, he than pulled he's hat down and cleared he's throat. "N-No problem" snufkin said opening the door and walked out.

×Snufkin's P.o.v×
I closed the door behind me, taking a deep breath. Normally I go to the south on my own but carrying moomintroll with my was a WHOLE different story. I sighed and walked downstairs, Moominmama was sitting in the living room sewing a blanket I brought from my travels.
"Snufkin are you staying for dinner?" Moominmama said looping the needle through the blanket. "No thank you ma'am" I said walking to the door and smiles. Moominmama smiles back and continued sewing
"Don't forget to come back for the blanket" She said looping the needle through the blanket again. "Okay thank you"I say opening the door and walking out closing it behind me. I sighed and begun walking to the bridge seeing snorkmaid and little My playing in the flower field. I smiled seeing my half sister having so much fun without her younger siblings around. I smirk and begun walking to my little home in the forest.

×Few hours Later×
×Still Snufkin's P.o.v"
I sat at my dining table enjoying my stew and grape juice thinking about the adventure me and moomintroll are going to have.

A loud knock on my door.
"Now who could that be" I said putting my spoon down and walking to the door. "Who's there?" I say leaning on the door. "It's me you halfwit PIPE?!" A voice yelled from the other side of the door. I banged my head on the door knowing who it is and groaned slowly opening the door to see little my standing there.
"Good you let me inside this time" Little my said pushing me aside and walking to the dining table "I never invited you" I say closing to door and growling under my breath. "Yeah yeah whatevs anyways what's ya eating?" Little My said walking to the stove to the pot and taking off the lid.
"Carrot and beef cream stew"I say a bit annoyed walking to the table and sat down
"Well don't mind if I do"Little My said grabbing a bowl from the cabinet, grabbing a soup and scooping some of the stew and poured it into her bowl.
"Don't you eat at moomintroll's house?" I say picking up my cup and taking a sip.
Little my nodded and put the bowl down on the table and walked to the cabinet to grab a cup,"Yeah but we only had broccoli and steak" She said walking back to the table and pulled out her chair to sit down.
"And yet you come here to eat?" I say pouring her a cup of grape juice.
Little my nodded and took a sip of the soup,"You're my half brother why wouldn't I eat from two places" Little My said with a evil smile on her face. I sighed and continued to eat my stew.
"Hey snufkin...."Little My said in a soft tone of voice,I looked at her a bit confused,placing my spoon down"Yes...?" I said crossing my arms."Have you ever liked someone you know... more than a friend...?" Little My said playing with her stew her face glowing bright red."Well yes I have but I never told them why?" I say leaning back in my chair. Little My sighed and stood up,"It's nothing thanks for dinner snufkin" Little My said walking to me,kissed my cheek and ran out the door .
I smiled and stood up, yawing. I begun to clean down the table and after that went straight to bed.
"Tomorrow is a big day snufkin..." I say to myself slowly falling asleep

( Thank you for reading this took a lot for errors to right but I hope you all likes it🌹(◍•ᴗ•◍)🌹 )

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