🏔️🌨️Chapter 4🌨️🏔️

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The sun begun to rise over the white fluffy snow. Tree holding the soft blanket of snow on there branches.
Moomintroll and snufkin hold one another.
Snufkin's slowly opening his eyes to see his white haired best friend asleep on his chest. Snufkin smiled and pulled moomintroll closer.

×Snufkin's P.o.v×
I heard moomintroll yawn, wiping his eyes."Good morning" I say sitting up. Moomintroll smiled and fold his blanket
"Morning snufkin" he said putting his blanket in his bag. I smiled and grabbed my hat. Me and moomintroll packed up our stuff and begun walking.

As the walk progress me and moomintroll talked about our childhood and made a few jokes about it.

"We just have to climb this mountain" I said looking at moomimtroll. He looked a bit afraid but nodded. We begun climbing the snow slowly dropping from the sky we were half was up the mountain.
"S-Snufkin how long do we have to climb" moomintroll said grabbing the ledge to his right
"Just a little more"I said grabbing the tree branches
"Snuf- AHHH" I heard a yell I quickly turn around to see moomintroll falling from the mountain.
"MOOMINTROLL?!" I yell jumping down. Trying to grab his hand, I could see the the tear falling from moomintroll's eyes. I was able to grab his hand and shift his body to be on top of mines. Moomintroll had his eyes closed tight and I did the same, I pulled him closer to my until I hit the floor. I yelled in pain....feeling my vision blurred....I held moomintroll close to me until I pass out.

×Moomintroll's P.o.v×
I felt an unbearable pain in my arm,I sat up to see snufkin's arm around my waist,his eyes were closed,he was bleeding from his chest and head. I felt tears running down my face I quickly threw off my bag and grabbed to first aid kit and grabbed to bandages. I took off his sweater and tried to wrap it around his chest and head. I couldn't see well because of my tears.
"Snufkin please wake up I'm sorry" I said wrapping the bandages around his head and placed his head on my lap. I took his hat and put it to the side. I wrapped my arm and kissed his forehead.
"You can't leave him in the cold like this it could kill him"  I heard a voice said from the trees. I quickly looked around a bit scared, I grabbed snufkin's pocketknife and opened it.
"W-WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled pulling snufkin closer to me. A women the jumped down from the trees,her hair as long as the tree. She wore a black skirt with a blue body shirt with black thigh high boots and a dark purple cape.

Names are not important but he will die out here" The mystery lady said walking up to me. I shakily held the knife and looked at snufkin, I sighed and looked at the women who was kneeling down holding my shoulder. Her emerald green eyes met my baby blue eyes. I then begun to cry and looked at snufkin then back at the lady
"P-Please help him..."I said looking at the lady. She nodded and stood up, a green light then glowed around all three of us. Closed my eyes and placed my forehead on snufkin's forehead until we were in a nice looking house with a pot burrowing, a fire place that was lit and different bottles on cabinet.
"You can rest in the couch over there while I help your friend" the lady said placing snufkin on a table. I nodded and say on the couch handing my arm.

After a few minutes or two, the last walked over to me with two cups of tea in her hand. She sat down next to me and handed me a cup. I took it and thanked her,
"Your friend will be okay" she said taking a sip of her tea. I smiled and looked at the table seeing snufkin bandaged up. I smiled and looked at the cup feeling tears rolling down my cheek.
"What happened to you two?" The lady said putting her cup down on the table. I put my cup down as well and put my hands on my lap.
"Me and snufkin were climbing up a mountain on our way to a secret forest, until a rock I was trying to grab hold of suddenly broke and I begun to fall but snufkin jumped of the mountain and grabbed me h-he tried to save me BUT NEARLY KILLED HIMSELF?!" I yell with tears falling down my face like a waterfall putting my face into my hands. The lady begun rubbing my back and shush me to calm down
"Why do you think he saved you?" She said holding my shoulder. I looked up at her a bit dumbfounded, she smiled and looked at snufkin
"No one just risks they're lived just to save someone" she said standing up and walking over to snufkin. I wiped away my tears and gasped "H-He risked his life for me...?" I said to myself. The lady then throw a blanket over snufkin and walked over to me with a pillow and a blanket in her hand.
"You can sleep here until he recovers" she said walking to a door on the left side of the room. I nodded and throw the blanket over my shoulders
"Oblivion is my name" She said opening the door to the room looking at me. I smiled and nodded
"Moomintroll nice to meet you"
I said laying down, she nodded and walked into the room closing the door. I sighed and looked at snufkin, I stood up and walked over to the table with the pillow in my hand. I fluffed the pillow and put in under his head and walked away until I felt something grabbed my sweater. I turned around to see snufkin's dull brown eyes looking at me
"M-moomin..." Snufkin said putting my hand on his cheek. Feeling a tear dripping on my hand. "Snufkin you need to rest" I said wiping away his tears . He closed his eyes and let go of my hand, I walked back to the couch and sat down. I laid down and pulled the blanket over my shoulder, hearing the fire crashing and the small little flames flying up.i sighed and closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

×Third person p.o.v×
As moomintroll slept snufkin was awake, he sat up looking over at moomintroll who was slightly snoring. Snufkin smiled and stood up feeling a sharp pain struck his body. He let out a loud yet pain groan, he held his chest and tried to stand up until he heard moomintroll getting up
"M-Moomintroll why are you u-up?" Snufkin said grabbing the edge of the table, moomintroll helped snufkin back on the table and looked at him
"I heard you...please snufkin rest"moomintroll said kissing snufkin's forehead. Snufkin's cheek begun to glowed red but he nodded and laid down looking away, moomintroll smiled and walked back the the couch and laid down pulling the blanket over his shoulder and closed his eyes. Snufkin looked at moomintroll and gave a faint smiled
"I love you moomintroll" snufkin whispered looking at the celling and closed his eyes.

(Wow that took long. I hope you enjoyed this one(◕ᴗ◕✿)💙)

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